Some 4,000 students were beneficiaries of Institutional Strengthening Projects : Mendoza Government Press

by time news
In total, 20 Higher Education Institutes for Teacher Training promoted various proposals during the 2022 cycle to promote the linking of their students with primary and secondary schools, social and neighborhood organizations.

The General Directorate of Schools, through the General Coordination of Higher Education, accompanied and promoted the strengthening of the training system throughout 2022, through the coordination of various Institutional Strengthening Projects (PFI) promoted throughout the province, thanks to funding from the National Directorate for Strengthening the Training System.

The PFI invite each institution to build a collective and inclusive pedagogical proposal that strengthens the trajectories and puts the experiences of the training institutions in dialogue with their territory. The line is coordinated at the provincial level by the jurisdictional referent Iris Borges and pedagogical referents chosen by each Higher Institute of Teacher Training (ISFD).

The projects developed throughout the cycle had the objective of enriching teacher training, and expanding links with the educational community, promoting articulation with schools of the compulsory education system and social and community organizations.

20 ISFD and 1,190 students of the Level participated, who were in charge of carrying out different institutional strengthening actions. The initiative reached 90 compulsory level institutions and benefited more than 4,000 Primary, Secondary and Teacher Training students from all over the province.

Of all the ISFDs that participated, 70% chose to develop an inter-institutional PFI to forge ties with their community, designing proposals based on the territorial reality in which each institution is registered with schools of other levels and modalities and NGOs. The other 30% presented institutional strengthening projects to enhance the training of future teachers and accompany them in their trajectories.

Regarding the PFI modality:

  • 4 ISFDs chose modality 1, which consists of territorial projects in coordination with schools of different educational levels.
  • 10 ISFD chose and implemented modality 3: proposals that articulate the ISFD with schools and social and community organizations.
  • 6 ISFDs chose and implemented modality 4, where the ISFDs carry out an intra- or inter-institutional project.

The PFIs made it possible to strengthen the sense of belonging to the institution and the participation of the students, reconnect and/or accompany Higher Education students, reflect on training and build pedagogical knowledge, strengthen communication and ties between teachers and / or with the management team within the institution. Formative instances were also generated for teacher training students and this served to problematize teaching practices.

Consequently, there is an educational policy that promotes a pedagogical proposal that is committed and attentive to territorial linkage, which seeks to promote teaching practices that recognize the knowledge of future teachers in the development of intervention projects aimed at relinking compulsory education students.

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