Lawyer threatens to sue Minister Yasmín Esquivel — News in the Spotlight with Lourdes Mendoza

by time news

Lawyer Edgar Ulises Báez Gutiérrez will file a complaint against Supreme Court Minister Yasmín Esquivel for false statements before the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office, reported journalist María Scherer.

He revealed that the complaint is due to the statement given by Esquivel Mossa, where he assured that he had a testimony signed before a notary public in which Báez Gutiérrez accepted having taken several parts of his undergraduate thesis.

Given these facts, it is confirmed that the original authorship of the work is mine. The other student recognized that he took my thesis project that I began to develop in 1985 and that it was in the possession of the thesis director”, Esquivel said in late December.

However, this was denied by the lawyer himself in an interview for Eje Central, where he assured that he never signed any document before a notary public.

Based on the accusations of plagiarism against the minister, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) announced an action plan in order to prevent the plagiarism of professional theses.


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