«It crashed off the coast of Alaska»- time.news

by time news
Of Paolo Virtuani

The area was identified about 260 kilometers from the Aleutian Islands. The Delta 2 rocket also returned to southern Japan

Il satellite Erbs crashed Monday in the Bering Sea off Alaska. This was confirmed by the US Department of Defense, cited by NASA. The area was identified about 260 kilometers from the Aleutian Islands. The site specialized in tracking satellites and space junks (Satview.com), on the other hand, had predicted the return at 0.20 (Italian time) on Friday 13 January, with a margin of error in more or less than 8 hours. The the intended landing point would have been an area of ​​the Southern Ocean between Australia and the South Pole of coordinates 100.4 E and 47.67 S.

Delta 2

A stage of the Delta 2 rocket about 800 kilometers south of Japan also returned to the atmosphere on Sunday evening. It was launched on November 21, 2000 and carried NASA’s EO1 (Earth Observing-1) scientific satellite, the Argentine satellite SC-C and the Swedish nanosatellite Munin into orbit.

The orbit with the shuttle

Erbs (Earth Radiation Budget Satellite) was carried into orbit on October 5, 1984 with the space shuttle Challenger. It was supposed to work for two years, but managed to collect scientific data up to 2005 on the atmosphere, climate, ozone levels, water vapor and aerosols. Erbs was built with three modules weighing a total of 2,449 kilograms and was positioned at a height of between 572 and 599 kilometres. It orbited the Earth in 1 hour 36 minutes and 40 seconds with an inclination of just under 57 degrees with respect to the equator. Over time, the orbit lowered and was currently between 132 and 138 kilometers and the tour around the Earth is completed in 1 hour and 27 minutes: too little to not suffer the slowdown due to the upper layers of the atmosphere.

January 9, 2023 (change January 9, 2023 | 5:08 pm)

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