“We return to what our elders knew, after work it is the cemetery”, denounces Philippe Martinez …

by time news

11:08 a.m .: Unions united but until when?

The eight main French unions should decide on Tuesday on a first date of strike and demonstration to protest against the pension reform, a union front unheard of for twelve years whose solidity is one of the main unknowns of the battle which is announced. The numbers one of these eight organizations (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Unsa, Solidaires, FSU) and five youth organizations will meet at the Labor Exchange in Paris at the end of the afternoon. Two dates are mentioned to launch the mobilization: January 19 or 24.

“The first date could be in the third week of January,” said Céline Verzeletti, CGT Confederal Secretary. The objective is to start as quickly as possible, because we know that the government will want to go very quickly by skipping the necessary debate in parliament.

Several union sources underline the interest of “drawing” before La France insoumise which plans to demonstrate on Saturday 21. “I believe that the left-wing parties would be inspired to let us manage social mobilization. It is up to the trade unions to set the tone and kick off the mobilization,” said CFDT general secretary Laurent Berger. Parisian Saturday.

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