ITV news in 2023

by time news

In order to circulate on public roads, all vehicles registered or that are going to be registered in Spain must undergo periodic technical inspections. The frequency of the technical inspection of each type of vehicle depends on its category and classification. Some exceptions are only established for vehicles such as ambulances, taxis or listed historic vehicles.

As owners and drivers of a vehicle we have to know the regulations that affect the ITV and be attentive to the modifications, since some new features in the technical inspection come into force in 2023 after the modification of the regulation of the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (ITV ) made by the Government or last year.

For example, the light vehicles for the transport of goods with a MMA of less than 3,500 kilos with more than ten years old must pass the ITV every six months.

It is also considered the inclusion of the emergency call device ‘eCall’ among the items to review. The purpose of this test is to verify that there are no errors or unauthorized modifications in the vehicle’s electronic control unit. Currently, in the technical inspection of vehicles, through this system, the emissions system of vehicles with levels EURO 5 (only categories M1 and N1), EURO 6 and EURO VI are checked.

From AECA-ITV they confirm that the technical inspection procedure has not changed some for this 2023 and the same tests that have been carried out in recent months are maintained.

In the country there are more than 400 ITV centers where the corresponding technical inspection can be carried out. It is a simple and fast procedure for which you can even request an appointment online to avoid waiting at the station. In addition, the inspection can be carried out up to 30 days before the deadline, without affecting the validity of the document.

The latest news

At least 3 out of 10 vehicles that circulate on Spanish roads do so without having the technical inspection up to date, which means that they may not be complying with the minimum safety and environmental conditions, putting the safety of their occupants, other road users and other road users at risk. the health of all citizens.

“It is not a coincidence that the years with the highest absenteeism in ITV are also those with the highest road accident rate. It must be remembered that the state of the technical inspection of a vehicle is directly related to its safety, since a vehicle with a defect is more likely to suffer or cause a road accident”, recalls Guillermo Magaz, managing director of AECA-ITV .

From 2022, the ITV inspections also include the frame number check. This test became mandatory again after being withdrawn during the pandemic. However, it is not the only novelty in this regard.

From July 1, 2022, when checking the chassis number (VIN) of a vehicle requires the use of tools, inspectors will be able to check this number. They will do it through the OBD or the manufacturer’s plate.

In addition, the ITV centers will have access to the verification of the ADAS systems and will be able to check it when they deem appropriate.

another of the novelties included in the revision manual from July 1, 2022 it is related to the condition of the tires and the brake test.

In inspections of the ITV in which it is evident that one or more tires may pose a danger due to being in very poor condition (cracks, deformations, breaks, detachment of layers, etc.) the braking test will not be carried out. The reason for not performing this mandatory test is to prevent it from posing a risk to people. That is, both for the driver of the vehicle and for the inspectors.

When do you have to pass the ITV?

all vehicles are required to pass the first inspection once a certain time has passed, except if they are removed from DGT and are no longer in circulation or if some reform is carried out on it.

As explained by the DGT, as a general rule, the first inspection of the vehicle must be carried out 4 years after its registration. Until the car is 10 years old, it is carried out every 2 years, and if it is already more than 10 years old, then every year.

There are some exceptions to this rule.. Thus, even if the vehicle has not turned 4 years old, if it has undergone a modification or replacement of elements before or after registration, which varies the characteristics that appear on the ITV card or the defined safety conditions, it must pass an inspection of reforms. Also if the car has suffered significant damage in an accident.

Vehicles that do not circulate and are written off

AECA-ITV recalls that current legislation, establishes that vehicles registered or put into circulation must undergo a technical inspection. “The fact that it is parked does not make it lose the condition of being registered, in such a way that it is a vehicle ready to circulate and in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, it has the obligation to submit to the mandatory ITV”, he assures Guillermo Magazmanaging director of AECA-ITV.

«Even when parked, there are potential risks to cover both from the ITV and insurance point of view, such as oil leaks in the vehicle or brake failures that can cause personal and material damage to other citizens and users. off the road,” adds Magaz.

For his part, vehicles deregistered in the General Directorate of Traffic, both temporary and definitive, that are withdrawn from public roads are not required to pass the ITV. However, if the vehicle is going to be put back into circulation, it must have an up-to-date ITV to avoid potential risks on public roads.

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