In an attempt to take blood: the baby was stabbed dozens of times until she died

by time news

In an attempt to take blood, doctors stabbed the four-month-old dozens of times until she died. “The baby was no longer able to cry, wailed and sighed, her eyes became sunken, the mother hugged her and kissed her.” This is according to a lawsuit against the hospital. A senior pediatrician: “One should not understand the arrogance of the doctor in the emergency room”

Tzufit Hami, whose four-month-old granddaughter Noga Panso died on September 22, 2021, in the children’s emergency room of the Emek Hospital in Afula, told Israel Hayom that The baby was brought to the hospital because she was unable to urinate and after about an hour and a half of unsuccessful attempts to take her blood, she died. “There was no place where she was not stabbed in the bed of the reception in the emergency room. If they thought she was in a serious condition, why was she treated there? We asked them to call an anesthesiologist to connect her to an IV and take her blood, but they were not ready to listen to us and tried repeatedly to do so, without Success,” Ran Reznik reported.

The grandmother also said: “All this time she screamed until she passed out. They really mistreated her terribly. There was no reason for her to die. I passed out when the doctor said she was already in the process of being resuscitated and that she was collapsing. Even then they didn’t let me in to see her even though this my granddaughter”.

A week ago, the parents Hadas and Eli filed a medical malpractice claim with the Tel Aviv District Court demanding financial compensation against the hospital. The lawsuit was filed by attorney Anat Ginzburg, who specializes in representing victims of medical negligence.

The Emek Hospital’s response as quoted in Israel Hayom: “The baby was taken to the emergency room in the evening when she was in critical condition and after her condition worsened. Shortly after she was brought to the emergency room, her body systems collapsed, and despite the prolonged resuscitation efforts of doctors and very senior staff members, they had to determine her death. Naturally, a full reference to the unfortunate circumstances of the case will be provided as part of the legal proceedings. We share in the family’s deep sorrow.”

The Ministry of Health’s response: “Inquiring into unusual medical events is professionally complex and therefore takes time. The inspection committee is now nearing the end of collecting the materials, and the family will be summoned to testify first, as is customary.”

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