Louis Klamroth’s solid premiere on “Hart aber fair” | free press

by time news

Frank Plasberg moderated almost 750 issues of the talk show “Hart aber fair”. Louis Klamroth now started with his number 1 and set his own accents. Was it a successful start?


Louis Klamroth’s first appearance as the new moderator of the ARD talk show “Hart aber Fair” was not a ratings hit. 2.42 million viewers (9.0 percent) tuned in to Klamroth’s debut on Monday evening from 9 p.m. This roughly corresponds to the average rate of the political talk show in 2022.

Talk moderators’ first and last appearances often have a magnet effect. In mid-November, 3.59 million (13.7 percent) saw the last edition of Klamroth’s successor, Frank Plasberg.

The 33-year-old newcomer Klamroth took part in the live broadcast on the topic “A country is getting poorer – who will pay the 2023 crisis bill?” unmistakably his predecessor Frank Plasberg as a role model. But Klamroth also set its own accents. Instead of a voice from the off, the moderator himself presented the core points of view of his group. When he addressed his guest Monika Schnitzer, Klamroth addressed the professor as “economics wise woman”.

The everyday worries of the family man

Despite the presence of prominent politicians such as SPD leader Lars Klingbeil and CDU politician Jens Spahn, the moderator repeatedly brought family man Engin Kelik with his everyday worries of a normal citizen prominently into the round. This earned Klamroth viewer praise on Twitter. The metal worker Kelik has had a hard time with inflation for several months: “Christmas was absolutely slimmed down. That means: gifts were out of the question. We just gave each other little things. In the range of 10 to 15 euros.” He no longer buys branded products in the grocery store and looks to the future with concern. Expert Schnitzer’s prognosis that inflation would only decrease in the course of two years made him even more depressed.

Some social media users pointed out that Klamroth was more approachable and attentive to the guests than Plasberg, who had hosted the show before him for more than 20 years since 2001. The topic of conversation online was Klamroth’s unsuccessful calculation that the 20.7 percent inflation in food measured in December was “almost twice as much” as the 8.6 percent of general inflation.

Occasionally the new host in a black T-shirt, black jacket and blue jeans showed fright. But he acted routinely in the transitions and spoke to Klingbeil in the best, cheeky Plasberg manner about bad polls in terms of justice: “Sometimes you think: “Oh shit, we’re already doing so much, but somehow it doesn’t seem to arrive”. ?”

Miosga congratulated on the “successful premiere”

Klamroth mostly let the guests finish speaking in peace, but then vehemently intervened towards the end of the show: “Mr. Spahn, Mr. Spahn, Mr. Spahn, Mr. Spahn, Mr. Spahn, Mr. Spahn, allow me: I’ll intervene.” At the end, the host asked each guest for their best legume dish in a forgiving manner, with a view to a possible abolition of VAT on healthy food. At the end of the WDR talk show in the first he seemed visibly relieved and said goodbye fist to fist from the group. “Tagesthemen” presenter Caren Miosga congratulated him on a “successful premiere” when he switched to the news studio.

There was a big stir in December because it became known that Klamroth and climate activist Luisa Neubauer are a couple. In the social media, however, this aspect only played a subordinate role. (dpa)

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