Dieudonné apologizes to “the Jewish community” in a Franco-Israeli newspaper

by time news

This is an unexpected step to say the least. And the faithful readers of the Franco-Israeli newspaper Israel Magazine must have been the first surprised when they discovered the photo of Dieudonné, this Tuesday, January 10, at the start of the afternoon at the home of the website of this monthly classified on the right created in 1999. A picture accompanied by a title: “I ask forgiveness. Dieudonne. ” Mistake ? Hacking? Publicity shot ?

” Nothing of the sort. I decided, after proofreading of course, to publish this text by Dieudonné that I was originally supposed to meet this evening (this tuesday evening) in Paris, with Francis Lalanne,” says André Darmon, editorial director of Israel Magazine. This former president of the French-speaking community of Israel therefore preferred to broadcast a message written by the controversial comedian condemned countless times in recent years by the courts, in particular for racial insults or incitement to hatred, following remarks, passages of sketches or videos, such as the song “Shoa nanas”, deemed anti-Semitic.

André Darmon also explains this to the attention of readers: “After reflection, I preferred that the humorist write what he had to say to those he had mistreated so much, the Jews, and to whom he wanted to apologize. I simply leave it to you, the readers, to judge. “As for Dieudonné, contacted on Tuesday, he told us:” I can confirm that this column in Israel Magazine comes from me, it’s real, it’s not fake news. »

“I humbly admit that I let myself go into the game of one-upmanship”

Entitled “Open letter from Monsieur Dieudonné MBALA MBALA to André Darmon and Israel Magazine” and titled “I ask forgiveness”, Dieudonné’s text, sent to the journalist by Francis Lalanne, is quite short, and perhaps more surprisingly, rather sober . Recalling his passion for his profession as a comedian – “a priesthood” he has been practicing for 35 years – Dieudonné, after a thought for his loved ones to whom he regrets not having devoted enough time, addresses the people he bruised in what he somewhat oddly calls his “artistic posturing.”

“I would also like to ask forgiveness from all those whom I may have offended, shocked, hurt through some of my artistic gestures. I am thinking in particular of my compatriots in the Jewish community, with whom I humbly admit having indulged in the game of one-upmanship,” he wrote. Continuing his process of presumed repentance, the polemicist admits having sometimes gone too far and having shown excesses, inappropriate provocations. “For all these faults and excesses, I ask forgiveness. My ambition was to make everyone laugh, and the Jewish community is part of my world, ”he adds without, however, citing precisely which sketch, video, remarks or actions he regrets.

After indicating his wish to leave the stage “at peace” with himself, and stressing the importance of the role of laughter and derision in “restoring the bond that was broken”, the comedian who had go on stage at the Zénith in 2008 the Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson (He was convicted of racist insult following remarks made during this show) once again addresses those he has deeply offended and warns: “Let’s be clear, I’m not looking for any excuse, no extenuating circumstances because no one has one when he can see that he has harmed to his neighbour, I simply ask forgiveness for the harm that I may have done even without wanting to. »

“Time will tell if Dieudonné was sincere”

Why did you publish this text? “I was approached by Francis Lalanne, who is a friend. The approach he presented to me resembled a genuine desire to make contrition. I found it premature to meet Dieudonné, with whom I had trouble leaving in the past. So I opted for a statement that I submitted to our readers. I am neither a judge nor a commissioner, it is up to them to judge”, explains André Darmon, who recalls that his newspaper defends the values ​​of the State of Israel, Zionism and Judaism, “even if I am not religious”, says the editor.

Precisely, does he not fear a torrent of indignant reactions or criticism by giving the floor to the polemicist and repeat offender, banned from online platforms in the summer of 2020? “I owe nothing to anyone, neither to Dieudonné, nor to anyone. I am a free man, ”insists André Darmon, confiding that he had “probed the text” of the humorist before publication. His opinion ? “It seems sincere,” he says without further certainty. “On a spiritual level, you have to give a chance to someone who wants to repent. But above all, time will tell if Dieudonné was sincere. Everything now depends on him, ”underlines the boss of Israel Magazine where many readers will undoubtedly see yet another provocation from the comedian.

PODCAST (ARCHIVE, 2021). In the back room of Dieudonné

At the origin of this self-proclaimed repentance project, we find the lawyer Emmanuel Ludot. “It’s a step, because there will be others, whose goal is an uncompromising forgiveness”, assures this Tuesday Me Emmanuel Ludot, lawyer for Dieudonné who cites among other things a project to found an association in memory of all the martyred peoples to whom Dieudonné would like to associate the partner and accomplice of his debut on stage, Élie Semoun.

Furthermore, on the legal front, Me Ludot affirms that his mission is to “verify that all of Dieudonné’s convictions have been carried out and the fines paid, and that they will be if it is not the case “. Here again, the future will confirm the authenticity or otherwise of the artist’s approach.

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