pets-help-protect-your-brain-as-you-get-older-says-study | Do you have a pet at home? Learn what these health benefits are for you

by time news

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There are officials who treat pets like gold. Their attention to domestic animals will be more important than their own children. Dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and parrots are common in homes. Spending time with pets is something that brings us so much joy. Of note is the study of the health benefits of keeping pets.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan found that having a pet at home can benefit brain function. The study was organized based on people over the age of 50 in the United States. The ability to retrieve memories over time was seen to be better in those who cared for Aruma animals for more than five years. The study also suggests that pets have the ability to slow down the aging process of the brain. The conclusion was reached based on the survey conducted from 2010 to 2016.

Every time the cognitive tests were conducted, the scores of these people kept increasing. According to the report shared in Science Alert, beneficial changes have also been found in the elderly. Many previous studies have shown that pet caregivers tend to wake up earlier and stay active. Researchers say it benefits brain health and reduces loneliness and stress in owners

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