Government meeting in Mauerbach: Renewables offensive including EIA amendment

by time news

The energy package adopted on Wednesday includes measures for faster procedures for power plants (UVP amendment), an expansion offensive for photovoltaic systems using a new “Renewable Energy Expansion Acceleration Act” and a funding ordinance, as well as an expansion of biogas production (“Renewable Gas Act” and Biogas Ordinance). Austria will be able to become “more independent and free”, said Nehammer at the final press conference.

Renewable energy has to be promoted even faster, and the expansion of photovoltaics should “put a turbo on again”. Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) referred to the reduction in dependence on Russian gas. “I think that’s huge,” said Kogler after the exam. Photovoltaics have multiplied. The EIA amendment will be “turned on several wheels”, which will also ensure a “change in mood” in terms of large projects, such as wind farms, according to Kogler.

Environmental compatibility: No more double checks

There were no major changes compared to the draft assessment in terms of EIA. There should no longer be double tests in the process. If no corresponding spatial energy planning has been made in a federal state, EIA procedures can be started in the future without a dedication by the municipality. This will only be obtained later. The promotion of photovoltaics is to be greatly expanded. 600 million euros should be available for this this year, a good 200 million more than in 2022.

In future, it will still be possible to apply for a subsidy once the construction of a plant has already begun. Approvals are no longer required for photovoltaic systems on sealed surfaces, and applications can no longer be rejected simply because of the appearance of the town and landscape. “We are igniting the renewables turbo in Austria,” said Energy Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens). Biogas production is to be increased more than tenfold over the next seven years.

Statement by Energy Minister Gewessler (Greens)

Large working group on skills shortages

As far as measures to combat the shortage of skilled workers are concerned, a working group is being set up with the ministers for labour, social affairs and finance and involving the parliamentary groups. The topics to be dealt with there include making employment more attractive in parallel with drawing your own pension from the standard retirement age, increasing the incentives to remain in employment beyond the statutory retirement age, increasing the number and tax-free allowance for overtime bonuses and the evaluation other existing tax exemptions for wage and salary supplements.

In the case of partial retirement, the blocked variant will be abolished, albeit with a longer transition period. From 2023, the option to start the variant will increase by six months per year. Currently you can use the blocked variant, with which you first work fully and then not at all, from 60. “The goal is to make work more attractive in old age,” said ÖVP Labor Minister Martin Kocher at the press conference.

Details on corruption criminal law announced

Details of the new anti-corruption law that has been under discussion for months were not presented on Wednesday. According to the government, an agreement has now been reached (Kogler: “Everything is all set”) – but it should only be presented on Thursday by Justice Minister Alma Zadic (Greens) and Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP), as Kogler announced. Nehammer spoke in the press conference of a “gap closure”.

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