Civil servants join the union mobilization on January 19

by time news

Unsurprisingly, the public service inter-union called “all public officials to mobilize […] massively” against the pension reform project deemed “unfair and unnecessary” during the day of strikes scheduled for January 19.

In a joint press release released on Thursday, the public service trade unions – CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT, FA, FO, FSU, Solidaires, UNSA – “require the government to withdraw its plan to postpone the legal age of departure retirement from 62 to 64 and to increase the contribution period”.

Request to take into account hardship at work

“The improvements mentioned in the rights of male and female agents through the introduction of gradual retirement in certain cases, the retention of rights linked to active service and henceforth their portability, can in no way compensate for the decline in the retirement age. ‘opening of pension rights or the extension of the contribution period,’ they say.

The unions denounce in particular the fact that this reform would also apply to agents “benefiting from active or superactive service”, that is to say those whose employment presents a particular risk or exceptional fatigue.

“Instead of being able to choose to leave at 52 or 57, they would be forced to continue their missions until they are 54 or 59, while the reasons that led to this solution-compensation, they would continue to persist and produce their effects”, deplore the trade unions.

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