Confirmed the 17 years of the murderer of Monia, the Supreme Court puts an end –

by time news The Court of Cassation confirms the 17 years in prison of Giovanni Iacone, the murderer of Monia Di Domenico, a 45-year-old psychologist killed in Francavilla on 11 January 2017.

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The desperation of Monia’s mother, Doretta, after the reading of the sentence (photo shoot by Raniero Pizzi)

Murder Monia Di Domenico: penalty almost halved on appeal
The sentence goes from thirty to 17 years for the defaulting tenant, Giovanni Iacone, who two years ago killed the 45-year-old piscologist in Francavilla

The Supreme Court judges rejected the appeal of the Attorney General against the decision of the Court of Appeal of L’Aquila to reduce the sentence to 17 years, from the 30 inflicted in the first instance, after having canceled the aggravating circumstance of cruelty. The reform request was to restore the initial sentence. But the Supreme Court writes an end to the murder because it believes that there is no need to carry out another trial.

Monia Di Domenico, originally from Corropoli, resident in, was stoned and wounded in the throat with a piece of glass by the tenant who did not want to pay her two months’ rent.

copyright the Center


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