“The situation had become untenable”: Aulas justifies the withdrawal of Le Graët from the FFF

by time news

He contributed to “unplugging” Noël Graët. President of OL and member of the executive committee of the French Football Federation (FFF), Jean-Michel Aulas acted on Wednesday with the other members of the “Comex” the withdrawal of the boss of French football until the conclusions of the audit commissioned by the Ministry of Sports.

“The situation had become untenable, for all of French football, the members of the Federation and for Noël Le Graët, a completely respectable man until these scandals arrived through public speaking. The status quo was no longer an option. There was also a situation that we, leaders, could not assume, ”asserts the Lyon leader this Thursday morning at the microphone of France Info.

Not a candidate for the presidency of the FFF

Pending the publication of the audit, expected for the end of January, it is the vice-president of the FFF, Philippe Diallo, who is acting as president. He is also responsible for the post of general manager, after the layoff of the current incumbent Florence Hardouin, also covered by the audit. “We are close to him, there are a few of us who have experience in the management of the League and the FFF, indicates “JMA”. We will make sure to have the right behavior with Florence on a human level. »

But if Noël Le Graët ends up resigning, the new president would not be elected until June 2023 at the next general meeting of the FFF. A position that Jean-Michel Aulas says he does not wish to run for. “In all periods of transition, we feel that there are candidates,” he explains. I was challenged, I replied that the only position that interested me was that of president of the Women’s League (Editor’s note: a body that does not exist for the time being). You have to know how to delegate and give your time in priority subjects and for me, the development of women’s football is up to my ambitions. »

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