GGD Fryslân will start the HPV vaccination catch-up campaign at the end of January

by time news

“About eight out of ten people will experience an HPV infection at least once in their lives. Most people don’t really notice it, the body clears the virus itself,” explains doctor Iris Korevaar of GGD Fryslân.

In some cases, the virus remains present and cancer can develop after a few years. “The most well-known is cervical cancer, but it can also be cancer in the oral cavity, anus, penis, labia and vagina,” says Korevaar.

Much of the disease can be prevented by vaccination. That is why this campaign is set up for the group of young people born between 1 January 1996 and 31 December 2003 who have not yet been fully vaccinated against HPV. This happens at the five injection locations where the corona vaccinations are also placed, namely Leeuwarden, Heerenveen, Drachten, Sneek and Dokkum.

For optimal effect, two injections are needed, which should be done six months apart. “These injections will only be free in 2023, so the advice is not to plan the first injection too late, so that the second is also free.”

According to Korevaar, young people should not expect serious side effects from the vaccine. “The vaccine is safe and there are no known serious side effects. At most, some mild side effects such as pain or swelling at the injection site or headache, muscle pain or fever for a few days. In general, this does not last longer than a few days.”

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