First confrontation in the government between religious Zionism and the ultra-Orthodox

by time news

(Photos: Olvia Pitosi and Jonathan Zindel/Flash 90)

Ahead of the appointment of the head of a new conversion system, the first significant confrontation between the ‘Religious Zionist’ party and the ultra-orthodox parties began.

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While Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich wants to appoint the head of the Torah and Land Institute – Rabbi Yehuda Amichai – the ultra-orthodox parties demand that Rabbi Moshe Weller be appointed to the position again.

After the Shas won the battle for the Ministry of Religion and appointed a minister on their behalf, they are now siding with Degal HaTorah in its demand to appoint Rabbi Weller as the head of the conversion system. The ultra-orthodox parties’ demand is supported by the chief rabbi, Rabbi David Lau, who serves as the president of the Rabbinical Court the big

The significant dispute over the senior position is at the doorstep of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who will be forced to decide the difficult dispute, and above all to try to preserve relations with the party that will be damaged by the appointment. However, those around Netanyahu hope that he will not be forced into the issue and that the parties will reach an agreement between them.

It is worth noting that a few days ago Rabbi Benyaho Brunner – the head of the outgoing conversion system – finished his position. The person who will most likely be appointed as his replacement is Smotrich’s candidate Rabbi Yehuda Amichai who will serve as CM for the next three months, while at the same time there will be a difficult battle for the permanent appointment.

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