The struggle between the RN and the Nupes to take the leadership of the opposition

by time news

This is a new battle between the left and the National Rally. Shortly after the presentation of the pension reform, the fronts are organized. “The RN intends to take the lead in legislative opposition to pension reform,” party boss Jordan Bardella said on Tuesday during his wishes to the press. On the side of Nupes, too, we are preparing for mobilization. “The left is united. We can make the government back down as it has already backed down on unemployment insurance, ”said PS boss Olivier Faure last week. The two camps have very different strategies, but the same objective: to take the reins of the challenge to the project.

The RN in the hemicycle, the left in the demonstrations

True to its tradition, the left – united – called for support for the first big day of mobilization. “We are going to enter into mass actions, frontal actions […] We have decided to support all the initiatives taken in this area, [car] in this world, without struggle, nothing happens, ”warned Jean-Luc Mélenchon in a video on his YouTube channel. Two dates were marked by the rebellious: the strike day of the inter-union, Thursday, January 19, and a march with the political and union youth movements two days later. “That has always been the strategy of the left. In the Assembly, we do our job, but, faced with the brutality of the government, we must also impose a balance of power in the street, ”defends David Guiraud, LFI deputy from the North. The other left-wing parties are, for the moment, more cautious on this second day, preferring to align themselves with the union calendar.

On the side of the RN, we focus, above all, on legislative work. “We will do our fight as deputies in the hemicycle but we will also lead the political fight on the TV sets”, assures Sébastien Chenu, deputy for the North. “If some want to demonstrate, they will go, but we will not appeal, because we are not a trade union center”, sweeps the vice-president of the Assembly. “The demonstration is not our DNA, our main job, it is here at the Assembly. We let the unions do their job, ”says Thomas Ménagé, RN deputy for Loiret.

“In the street, there is no 49.3”

While Jordan Bardella denounced the “blockages” in the street “which very often penalize the French who work”, the RN intends rather to work on the substance of the text, continuing its strategy of “normalization” in the hemicycle. “We are going to study it in detail to identify the unjust and violent measures, in particular on the postponement of the age. But we will also propose amendments on the arduousness or to improve the employability of seniors by finding new ideas on training, ”lists Thomas Ménagé, in charge of pensions for the RN. The party assumes, moreover, that it will vote for certain measures, such as the minimum pension of 1,200 euros. “It is a crucial battle in this five-year term. And the left, by its blockages, will still prevent us from reducing the impact of the text, ”he says.

Because, on the side of the rebellious, some already evoke the idea of ​​parliamentary obstruction the filing of 75,000 amendments to oppose the text. “There will be a battle of ideas, we will see the form it will take. But the RN is already making compromises with the macronists. Moreover, in the mobilizations, there will only be the left. We will wet the jersey while the far right will be on the bench, ”whistles David Guiraud. “In the street, there will be no 49.3”, tackle Mélissa Camara, from the executive office of EELV about the strategy of the RN. “The real opposition, she said, is the one that will bend the government, the Nupes and the unions”.

An RN deputy prefers to put things into perspective. “It will be difficult to have the leadership, because we will not be in a demonstration, but it can also be a boomerang for the left if the mobilizations degenerate. The rebellious make a lot of noise, but sometimes it is better to be seen less and seen better”. In the street or as in Parliament, the government can already prepare for strong opposition to its reform.

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