The carnage on the roads: two young men were killed in a car accident in the north Documentation

by time news

Two young men about 18 years old were killed tonight (Thursday) in a fatal car accident between two vehicles on road 9779, near the Beit Hillel settlement in the Galilee.

MDA medics and paramedics with the assistance of an IDF medical force who were called to the scene, had to determine their deaths.

MDA paramedic Eli Ben Zaken: “This is a shocking accident, we saw two vehicles, one of which 3 young men were traveling in was completely crushed, 3 young men about 18 years old were rescued from the vehicle, two of them had no signs of life and after a short time we had to pronounce them dead.

The third was unconscious and suffered from multi-system damage, we gave him medical treatment and after he was sedated and ventilated we evacuated him by air force helicopter to the hospital in a serious condition, a man and a woman in their twenties were rescued from the second vehicle while they were fully conscious and suffered from injuries, after initial treatment in the field we evacuated them to the hospital in moderate condition and stable”.

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