Bezalel Smotrich attacks Esther Hayut: “arrogance, demagoguery, shallowness”

by time news

Minister Smotrich, as mentioned, was less fond of Hayut’s words, and so he wrote on his Twitter account: “President Hayut’s speech only proves the vitality of the reform to correct the judicial system and strengthen Israeli democracy. Criticism – as we heard now also in the speech, they brought public trust in the justice system to a low. It’s time for a restart of correction.”

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In contrast to Smotrich, Gideon Sa’ar did express support for Hayut, when he wrote the following: “President Hayut, in an excellent speech, did a good job of explaining the serious harm to the rights and freedoms of Israeli citizens, if the plan to crush the justice system is carried out. As I warned during the election campaign – this is a move for change The regime in Israel. All lovers of freedom – regardless of political views – must unite in the fight for the future of Israel.”

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