Neighboring country of Ukraine: NATO moves Awacs planes to Romania

by time news

Status: 01/13/2023 3:37 p.m

NATO wants to relocate Awacs reconnaissance aircraft stationed in Germany to Romania. They are to monitor Russian military activities in the east of the alliance area. German soldiers are also to be stationed there.

In view of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, NATO wants to relocate several of its AWACS reconnaissance aircraft, which are otherwise stationed in Germany, to Romania. NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said they were there “to support the Alliance’s increased presence in the region and to monitor Russian military activities.” In addition, 185 soldiers will be transferred to Romania for the mission, including 43 German forces.

“As the illegal Russian war in Ukraine continues to threaten peace and security in Europe, there can be no doubt about NATO’s determination to protect and defend every inch of allied territory,” Lungescu said. She thanked Romania for hosting the AWACS and thus making an important contribution to NATO’s early warning system.

“Key Ability for Defense”

The Awacs are scheduled to arrive at the Otopeni airbase near the Romanian capital Bucharest next Tuesday and then stay there for several weeks. They should patrol “only over alliance territory,” the alliance emphasized.

The airport is around 200 kilometers from the eastern border of the EU and NATO country with Ukraine. In addition, the north of Romania also borders on the country attacked by Russia.

Lungescu stated that the AWACS could “detect aircraft hundreds of kilometers away”. They are “a key capability for NATO’s deterrence and defense” in the south-east of the alliance area.

Currently stationed in North Rhine-Westphalia

The Awacs aircraft are stationed in Geilenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia. According to Bundeswehr information, 14 of the flying radar systems are located there. NATO did not say how many machines are to be relocated to Romania. However, the dpa news agency reports, citing military circles, that the deployment of three machines is planned.

The Awacs are based on Boeing 707 aircraft and, with their mushroom-shaped radar structure, are able to locate and identify other aircraft more than 400 kilometers away. The aviators can pass the information on to everyone else in the airspace who has the appropriate technical equipment. This means that they can theoretically also be used as flying battle control centers.

The Awacs (Airborne Warning and Control System) were used in the past, among other things, to support the fight against the terrorist militia Islamic State and for operations in Afghanistan. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24 last year, additional NATO combat and reconnaissance aircraft have been deployed in the eastern alliance area.

NATO temporarily deploys AWACS aircraft to Romania

Stephan Ueberbach, ARD Brussels, 13.1.2023 3:58 p.m

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