Hebrew News – Do you suffer from procrastination, sleep disorders and loss of sense of time? You may have attention deficit disorder

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Do you suffer from procrastination, sleep disorders and loss of sense of time? You may have attention deficit disorder

Many people around the world suffer from various symptoms of ADHD but are unaware of it. That’s exactly why we’ve put together a number of different signs for you that should turn on a red light for you

The busy lifestyle causes many to experience FOMO, fear of missing out. But if this feeling is accompanied by disorganization, lack of attention, overflow of emotions, difficulty in regulation and flexibility – these may be signs that you also suffer from attention deficit disorder. Here are ten common signs of attention deficit disorder among adults that tend to be ignored or treated as part of life:

loss of sense of time

If you are chronically late, you should check if you meet the other symptoms of attention deficit disorder. Loss of sense of time characterizes some people with the disorder due to the problem of regulation and the difficulty in organization. To fix this, many set the clocks at home forward so as not to be late, or they are You learn to plan ahead a few minutes, and in the end you arrive at the last minute despite the planning. They are usually late anyway.


Impulsivity is one of the characteristics of ADHD, and it expresses the difficulty in regulating those suffering from the disorder. The regulation does not only speak of their difficulty with contact or with noises, but also of difficulty in controlling the internal regulation of the mood. Adults try to fight it, do everything they can to not show it on the outside, but for some the task is difficult. Suddenly there is an outburst, anger, etc. In attention disorder they may be in high and strong waves.


An expression of difficulty in flexibility, one of the prominent characteristics of ADHD, is hyperfocus. There is a tendency to focus on an action or an object, seemingly disconnected from their environment. Overfocusing may manifest itself in a telephone conversation, or staring at another object while having difficulty getting out of it.

talk a lot

One of the criteria for diagnosing ADHD is excessive talkativeness, which is a characteristic of the hyperactive component of ADHD. It is a characteristic of inflexibility and dysregulation, along with the hyperactivity component characteristic of the disorder. for example A telephone conversation can be very unpleasant for the other party, because they not only have trouble putting a full stop at the end of the sentence, but also don’t listen. the phenomenonThis may exhaust the other party, which may sometimes lead to the reduction of telephone communication.

Difficulty making decisions

Sometimes the deliberation becomes a never-ending task, whether choosing a dish from the menu in a restaurant, choosing a place to hang out in the evening, choosing a suitable outfit, and in more substantial cases – choosing a profession for life or a field of study. The difficulty in making decisions is a combination of several layers in attention and concentration disorder. It’s hard to focus, it’s hard to start things, and the lack of flexibility makes it hard to move from one thing to another.

Sleep Disorders

Many of those with ADHD also suffer from sleep disorders. One of the reasons for this is a defect in the release of the biological clock, melatonin. Normally, melatonin is released with darkness and leads us to sleep. But in those suffering from attention disorders, there is a later release of it. The result is staying up late at night. The result is tardiness, which is typical of those suffering from attention and concentration disorders and fatigue.

Difficulty with transitions

The inflexibility of the locks in attention disorder is also manifested in difficulty in transitions. As children, they will have difficulty transitioning from sleeping to waking up, from vacation to returning to school, and moving house. In adulthood, they will find it difficult to leave a new workplace. The adjustment period for them will be more difficult and longer and may be accompanied by a lot of mental stress or behavioral difficulties.

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