Chat quarrel Sgarbi-Morgan: “You’re a mouse”, “You have no heart”, “My head is enough”

by time news

“You have no heart”, “The head is enough for me”. These are the ‘kinder’ phrases of the furious and stormy quarrel, with insults and swearing, between the two (former?) friends Vittorio SgarbiUndersecretary to the ministry of cultureand Marco Castoldi in art Morgan. Hosting the exchange of verbal blows is the chat ‘Renaissance Dissolution’, created by Sgarbi and of which Morgan is also a director; chat from which Morgan would have deleted several names without consulting Sgarbi, ‘guilty’ of not taking his commitment to heart for a project on the figure of Luigi Tenco; initiative however criticized by the singer-songwriter’s family who send a private note to Sgarbi, who publishes it on the chat, arousing the wrath of Morgan who feels “defamed” and “not defended”.

The certainly not swampy temperament of the two thus leads to an exchange of accusations and counter-accusations, posted by Morgan with a screenshot on another chat he created, ‘Mystery of Culture’. “I didn’t even think about you. You are a mouse” Sgarbi writes to Morgan. “Your heart fails,” is the reply. “My head is enough” the rejoinder and the head-to-head continues. Morgan: “I’m sorry, I thought you were a worthy person. It’s a huge disappointment.” And again: “Cowards do this. They laugh at others when they envy them”. Sgarbi: “Mine is not a disappointment because I have no illusions”. Morgan: “My intelligence is the best thing you’ve come across in the last twenty years.” Sgarbi: “I don’t like anyone who, gifted by my generosity with the power to act, hysterically cancels and drives my guests out of my house, on his whim. Actions must be guided by reason, perhaps by being right”. And he creates a new chat, without Morgan, with an evocative name ‘sgarbistan’.

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