High cholesterol, the sooner it goes down the better: intervening early makes the difference

by time news

Cholesterol? a bad nut to crack but it doesn’t concern me. This is how the majority of Italians think, according to a survey conducted by Iqvia for Mylan according to which high cholesterol is the third cardiovascular risk factor that comes to mind after hypertension and high blood sugar as well as one of the special supervised because it is responsible for heart attacks and strokes, but not a problem for themselves: as many as 63 percent of those who don’t have abnormal values ​​believe it is unlikely to find themselves with hypercholesterolemia in the future. It is comforting to discover that six out of ten people have had at least one total cholesterol assessment in the last twelve months (just 13 percent have not undergone the test in the last five years), but then very few remember the result or know how to understand if there’s anything to worry about: 86 percent don’t know what the threshold value is for Ldl and Hdl, one out of two has no idea even for total cholesterol. But what is worse is the lack of awareness of personal risk: 34 percent of those who said they have normal cholesterol values ​​actually have them borderline or above the threshold.

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