Palazzo Fuga, the future passes through here

by time news

NoonJanuary 11, 2023 – 07:57

Of Francis Cup

The Albergo dei Poveri is a majestic building that dominates the wide esplanade of via Foria. Its construction involved such large sums that it effectively prevented its completion. Its approximately 100,000 square meters of usable area have housed hospitals, music schools, hostels, firefighters and, for a long time, prisoners, which is why the building is also called a menagerie. Its imposing mass in disuse has represented for many city unions a real one dead Headan insurmountable problem with a very complicated solution. And it will probably take two very strong Neapolitan personalities to solve this problem. A mayor with a constructive and procrastinating temper, like Gaetano Manfredi, and a Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, who is showing ingenuity and temperament. Palazzo Fuga was designed to give refreshment to the poor of Naples, considered, in an era in which Enlightenment ideas began to spread in the Neapolitan territory, as individuals for whom reason imposed welfare since, having recovered the intellectual forces mortified by the pangs of hunger , they could have contributed to building a new society, like the other men of whom they were considered equally endowed with intellectual democracy.

oi the events of the Kingdom took a different turn causing the weakening of that lofty ideal. The Albergo dei Poveri remains today the symbol of the rebirth of a Neapolitan culture, like the Bagnoli area that of the recovery of the city’s natural beauty and like that of East Naples the recovery of its industrial dignity. The commitment of the Minister of Culture to organize a control room hit the mark with the invitation to the table also of the industrial component of the Neapolitan city, an unequivocal sign that no recovery is fully possible if private economic forces do not also intervene, especially in times where public funding languishes. The building will be recovered in the name of culture: we read that the floors will certainly house libraries and museums, which will be organized with the innumerable finds lying dusty in the city’s warehouses; but it is to be hoped that specialization schools in the arts and professions, academies, itinerant foundations will also be established that are able to offer constructive and shared education to those visitors who will tread on those floors not only to satiate their aesthetic taste but above all to sharpen identification with a civilization that blends its culture with its surroundings. For this reason it will be very important to create linking systems that allow navigation in one place between the history of the city and the history of other popular cultures, activating a creative intelligence system in the navigator from the comparison obtained. This system facilitates the criticality of learning and promotes the visitor’s enrichment in terms of sociality, hoping that a virtuous circle can be triggered that dissolves that civil lethargy denounced in recent days by Enzo d’Errico on these pages.

then it is good to remind that table that sound planning cannot be separated from financial education. At a time when even the main Italian banking institution, following the example of much more active European realities, organizes and promotes courses that educate citizens in the discipline of financial institutions, educating them to reason and to inform themselves on regulated markets, financial products and investment services increasingly invasive due to the effect of technology, it will be appropriate to design environments dedicated to finance in the future Albergo dei Poveri, both to build a financial identity capable of carrying out fully informed supervision, and to organize actual markets where it is possible to negotiate of investment branded for small and medium-sized enterprises of which the city’s economic fabric is full. The Albergo dei Poveri must become a driving force for the sustainable growth of the Neapolitan identity and the study of this path must absolutely not overlook those requests increasingly oriented towards global economic phenomena which primarily look after the interests of the stakeholders and not only those of direct investors, since any form of profit, even that simply deriving from aesthetic satisfaction, is never an end in itself but always a terminal of unexpressed potential that a good ruler must collect and explode. From here passes the future of the city.

January 11, 2023 | 07:57

© Time.News

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