An inside look: what is really happening in the negotiations for the purchase of Hapoel Tel Aviv by the Americans?

by time news

The purchase agreement of Hapoel Tel Aviv continues to progress. In recent days, the parties, the purchasing group and the current owners, submitted requests for changes to the agreement signed before the due diligence. As far as the American purchasing group is concerned, these are small nuances, at the wording level, that those close to the deal explain that even if their request is not answered positively, it is not something that will bring down the deal.

As for the changes that the present owners want to introduce, they emphasize that at any stage the purchasing group can give the green light to the original contract as it was signed before the due diligence and without changes, so the power is in their hands. In simple words: if the contract remains as it was signed in advance, the current management has no possibility to veto the purchase. “It is natural that at this stage of the transaction each side will try to improve positions,” explain insiders.

“We are in direct and continuous contact with the purchasing group, which throughout all stages shows seriousness and willingness to purchase the club,” shares an official at Hapoel Tel Aviv, “They are updated on everything that is happening, watch the games and read the various news on the websites that report on the transaction. They try not to comment, but it bothered them that the fans The group is under pressure, so they decided to release the message to the media.”

Also in this context, the due diligence that was carried out cost the purchasing group about half a million NIS, which indicates their commitment to the process. , says someone who is privy to the details, “There are those who would probably prefer the deal to fall through, but not so that the current ownership remains, but because now there is proof of a due diligence by Deloitte that shows that the financial condition of the club is in order, a better deal can be obtained, but the purchase group is determined to take the the group”.

As a reminder, tomorrow (Tuesday) representatives of the purchasing group are scheduled to land in Israel for a two-day visit where they will go over the summary report of the due diligence and hold meetings with the representatives of the current ownership. It is estimated that things will not be finalized during this visit and that the process will continue until the end of the month As planned.

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