Diletta Leotta, yellow of the ring. And the marriage with Can Yaman … GOSSIP

by time news

Diletta Leotta – Can Yaman (Lapresse / Ipa)

Diletta Leotta, yellow of the ring. Marriage with Can Yaman? Wedding postponed

Diletta Leotta e Can Yaman (which in the last few hours has suddenly been deleted from social networks) are the couple of 2021: many fans have and are dreaming following the events related to their love. But in recent days there has been talk of a postponement of the marriage between two. Meanwhile, according to Santo Pirrotta at Every Morning (TV8 program with Adriana Volpe) Diletta would have convinced Can to brake on wedding which seemed to be celebrated on August 16 (day of the thirtieth birthday of the host of DAZN). Then in these hours a mystery broke out: where did thering from 40 thousand euros that Yaman had he given to Leotta? According to some fans, the showgirl did not carry him during the live broadcast on Radio 105 (where she leads 105 Take Away from 12 to 13 with Daniele Battaglia) …


Diletta Leotta and Can Yaman, passion … for chocolate

“Chocolate lovers”. Diletta Leotta e Can Yaman surrounded by Easter eggs. The shot posted on social media by the Dazn journalist certainly made Easter Monday sweeter for the couple’s fans. And who knows if the surprise is not an upcoming wedding announcement between the Sicilian showgirl and the Turkish actor …

Diletta Leotta and Can Yaman, kiss at the stables

Can Yaman e Diletta Leotta they kiss at the stables. The journalist from Dazn and the Turkish actor were paparazzi by Diva and Donna and the ‘future’ Sandokan (in the remake of the tv series in the footsteps of the great Kabir Bedi). The love between the two is booming. And in recent days Can Yaman has also publicly answered for the first time a question about the marriage between him and Diletta Leotta (see below).

Diletta Leotta, Fabio Caressa’s joke about the Sky-Dazn TV rights of Serie A

Fabio Caressa received the Tapir of Striscia la Notizia after that Sky lost i tv rights of the A league for the benefit of Dazn (with the pay TV which in the last few hours has opened to negotiate for the rights of the championship). The popular commentator joked about it. “Viewers will see a little more Diletta Leotta and a little less me: let’s say they earned it … “, Fabio Caressa said with great self-irony and class to Valerio Staffelli. Underlining that “when there is a race there is one who wins and one who loses – he explained to the Striscia reporter – but we will try to offer our subscribers the maximum possible”.

Diletta Leotta, Can Yaman talks about the wedding: “Marriage? I’m someone who …”

Can Yaman speaks for the first time about the wedding with Diletta Leotta. Will the two get married? “When will the marriage that everyone is talking about? I am one who acts without taking too long, without mincing words. I follow the push, fast. I think instinct is in the name of God. But let’s keep the surprise on something, “he tells Vanity Fair. The Turkish actor – who is preparing for Sandokan, Lux Vide’s international event series – about the love between him and the host of Dazn underlines: “It is a loyal love, in which I take my responsibilities, as we have seen”. And on his relationship with Diletta Leotta he adds: “I have great respect for her, for our relationship and confidentiality is our first promise: we communicate what concerns us, together”.

Daniele Scardina: “With Diletta Leotta a beautiful story, a true story”

Daniele Scardina talks about the romance she lived with Diletta Leotta. The boxer explains to Verissimo: “That with her was a beautiful story, we were accomplices in everything, we were true. It was a true story, it was a good time. I was in love, we no longer feel but I love her and I respect her very much for the woman she is. Girlfriend? I hope he is happy ”, the words of King Toretto on the transmission by Silvia Toffanin.

Diletta Leotta and Can Yaman in Sicily: the actor sees father Leotta. The gossip

Diletta Leotta e Can Yaman they would be in Sicily (after photos of the couple leaving Fiumicino were shot on the social networks). According to the latest gossip, in fact, the beautiful presenter of Dazn she wants to introduce her new boyfriend to her dad. A step forward that, if confirmed, would bring the couple closer to that marriage we were talking about in recent days: ” I have to think about it, ” Leotta would have replied, according to the gossip, in front of the proposal. And perhaps after the meeting in Catania between Can Yaman and the Diletta’s father who knows that the official announcement for a wedding in August will not arrive (so the rumors told). During the week Diletta Leotta and Can Yaman had been at the stables. The journalist and showgirl had posted a short video of a riding lesson at the stables with Can Yaman and his Instagram stories. cavallo Cassius. “Come on Cassius!” She says in the video. Diletta Leotta appears on the actor’s horse, guided by Can Yaman and an instructor who tells her: “You’re very good!”

Diletta Leotta takes the (first) sun: the photo inflames the fans

Diletta Leotta takes the first sun of the year and posts the photo on social media for the happiness of his fans. The presenter of Dazn he is smiling as he welcomes the spring that seems to be peeping over Italy. See-through T-shirt, leather pants and black boot – needless to say, she is as beautiful as ever. And the fans approve: over 400 thousand likes in one day. “Beautiful as the sun”, I write the followers to Diletta Leotta. More and more queen of Instagram and in recent weeks also protagonist on the gossip front for her love with the beautiful Turkish actor Can Yaman. The last big question that grips fans is: will they marry or will they not marry?

Diletta Leotta and Can Yaman, wedding or no wedding? Ring, wedding date, but … Gossip and photos

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