LFI holds its first political council, without Ruffin, Autain, Corbière or Garrido

by time news

This is the empty chair policy. Insubordinate France is holding its first political council on Monday, a body for strategic debate with power still unclear. But several figures unhappy with the overhaul of the management will not go, from Clémentine Autain to François Ruffin via Alexis Corbière.

The political council will take place at 1:30 p.m. “on the basis of what was decided at the representative assembly of December 10”, indicated LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard. “As such, Eric Coquerel is indeed invited there as chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, and two representatives of Picardie Debout of François Ruffin and of the Ecosocialist Left of Clémentine Autain were also invited and indicated their participation,” he explained.

A “shrinkage” criticized

Asked by AFP, MP Clémentine Autain replied: “No I will not be there, no I am not invited. (…) I am not a member of the leadership of Left Ecosocialist and they know it well”. François Ruffin indicated on Friday that he would send a representative of Picardie Debout.

MP Raquel Garrido for her part regretted on RFI that Alexis Corbière and she were not invited: “No I am not summoned, nor Alexis Corbière. Neither François Ruffin nor Clémentine Autain will be present. So it’s proof that the work remains on the trade”. These four figures criticized in December a “shrinking” of LFI when the new coordination was appointed. A parliamentary group seminar was devoted to this subject on 9 January.

Promise of changes

“I issued criticisms of this new direction of LFI, relayed fairly mainly within the parliamentary group during the seminar, which still has to work a second day to make proposals for improvement”, recalled Raquel Garrido.

During the crisis, Manuel Bompard had argued that alongside coordination, it is the political council that should represent the plurality of the movement and its partners. “The meeting of the day is a first meeting, the composition of the council may have to evolve on the basis of the proposals of each other”, he promised Monday.

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