Strike of January 19: SNCF, RATP, refineries, schools… disruptions sector by sector

by time news

It will be a “massive” movement, promised Monday the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger. Three days before the day of strikes and demonstrations against the pension reform and the postponement of the legal age to 64, scheduled for Thursday, January 19, Le Parisien takes stock of the disruptions to be expected, sector by sector.

In the transports

It is not yet known to what extent the strike movement will disrupt SNCF rail traffic. But expect the cancellation of many trains on Thursday. The inter-union, made up of the CGT, Unsa, South and CFDT, called for “a powerful strike”, even leaving the threat of an unlimited movement. Traffic forecasts will only be communicated 48 hours in advance by the SNCF.

In Île-de-France, public transport traffic should be greatly disrupted, the RATP unions having also filed a strike notice. Again, we do not know to what extent, but the unions have expressed their desire to see the emergence of a “zero transport” day. Outside Île-de-France, urban transport could also be affected by disruptions. Traffic conditions should be known from Tuesday.

The strike will not be limited to the railways. Notices have been filed for several airlines, including Air France, as well as in air traffic control. In this sector, the SNCTA, the majority among air traffic controllers, does not call for a strike, however, he announced on Sunday, justifying “reasoned and timely use of the right to strike”.

In schools

Children may not have class on Thursday. The education unions are also calling for a strike. “This reform will hit all workers hard, and in particular education personnel”, justifies in a press release a large inter-union made up of the CGT, FO, FSU, CFDT, SNALC of South and Unsa. The FSU had already called for a strike for this Tuesday, January 17, in favor of wages and better working conditions (and not against pension reform).

In refineries

In October, strikes in refineries for a wage increase had caused an unprecedented shortage across the country. What about the pension reform? The CGT union of the oil branch plans a walkout on January 19. Asked on Monday about a possible blockage in the refineries, the general secretary of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, replied that his union “has not called for (the) blocking for the moment”.

The call for a strike will lead to “decreases in flow” and stoppages in the shipment of fuels, said Éric Sellini, the union’s national coordinator for TotalEnergies. Already, we have seen French people rushing to gas pumps, fearing a shortage. “There is a right to strike, there is a right to demonstrate”, but “it is also important not to penalize the French”, reacted Thursday Élisabeth Borne.

To the hospital

The movement against pension reform could also taint operations in hospitals, already disrupted by difficult working conditions, understaffing and other notices. The National Union of Professional Nurses calls on “all salaried nurses in all sectors” to strike on Thursday. “If we are working, we can go down to the hall for a minute of silence, file a 1 hour strike, reduce activity”, writes the union in its appeal.

In the public service

A large inter-union also called, in a joint press release, “to mobilize to obtain the withdrawal of the modification of the legal age raised to 64 years” and “to enroll massively in the first day of strikes and interprofessional demonstrations ” Thursday. We should therefore expect disruptions in the public service but, here again, we do not know what the extent of the mobilization will be.

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