Einav Bobalil spoke in the Knesset: “Strong women can move mountains”

by time news

Knitted news16.01.23 14:42 23 in Tevet Tishpag

Einav Bobalil spoke in the Knesset:

(Photo: Dani Shem Tov – Knesset Spokesperson)

Today (Monday) the Committee for the Advancement of Women’s Status and Gender Equality, chaired by MK Panina Tamno-Sheta, held a special discussion following the decision of the Ministry of Health to stop performing French Caesarean sections.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health, medical experts and hospitals were invited to the discussion alongside women protesting the decision, including singers Anya Bukstein and Rotem Shafi and network influencers Shani Caspi and Einav Bobalil.

Bobalil shared during the committee about her experience: this time I finally experienced childbirth. 3 cesarean sections I signed a form, open the stomach and take the baby. You woke up crushed – you can’t take care of the other children. I had the surgery a month ago and took a picture of it – my followers wrote to me how are you able to get up to go home? There was some pain, I took paracetamol and the pain went away.”

(Photo: Danny Shem Tov/Knesset Spokesperson)

Bobalil continued: “Since the cancellation of the surgery, women have written to me, “We have no day and no night.” to straighten up and I was depressed, I cried for a whole week.”

After that, Bobalil wrote on her Instagram account: “Strong women can move mountains! The French surgery is back! Thank you to Knesset member Pnina Tamno Sheta and to Knesset member Eli Rabivo who did an in-depth investigation and gave his voice to all those involved in this important work.”

(screenshot from Instagram)

Bobalil also added to her followers: “For you I did this fight, I did mine. I will not do it again. But for thousands of women whose basic right is to choose their body and the way we bring life into the world.”

Network star Shani Caspi said: “I had 3 cesarean sections – one normal, one emergency and one French. In French, the birth experience was a bonus that I didn’t know existed. I arrived at the surgery and did the surgery and said I was shocked. I was smiling, I was taking care of the baby and I felt like I was on maternity leave. I was Shlava and I really think that an investigation should be requested and that the truth will come out. Is it our right to go through this procedure? I want more children and I’m afraid of getting pregnant and if the French surgery comes back, I want many more children.”

Rotem Shafi (singer Shafita) added: “There is a big joke here in the officials who announced the cancellation of the surgery. They were caught in a lack of professionalism. The anesthesiologist was sensitive to me. Everything was embracing and loving, and although the recovery was painful and not easy in my case, I call for the surgery to continue. I feel that there is Inventions, instead of going backwards, train professionals, bring the surgery to the south and the center at a price that even if someone has 15 thousand shekels in the past, she will be able to undergo it.”

Chairman Tamno Sheta concluded the discussion and thanked all the women who came and shared their story: “You came here to raise a voice and I thank you. The committee turns to someone from the Ministry of Health and Dr. Mizrahi, head of the medical division, to arrange the French caesarean section. The chairman determined that the training of the doctors should be included in any future arrangement, along with supervision of the results of the surgeries and the learning of the surgeries that have already taken place with an exam for the surgery subsidy.

When Dr. Mizrahi confirmed to the chairman of the committee that the French surgeries are returning subject to the birth mothers signing an informed consent form that will be sent by the Ministry of Health – all the participants of the discussion were excited and applauded following the cancellation of the decision.

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