Lightly slamming your foot on the floor and gradually increasing the weight little by little. Helps to increase bone density.

by time news

Not sure if anyone cares about maintaining our bones strong? Did you know that in adults Replacing old bones into new ones for the whole body takes about 3 years if we pay attention to increasing bone mass and strengthening bones all the time. Although many people know that cow’s milk is a drink that can help prevent osteoporosis, it’s true. But there is a theory that studies have found that if drinking too much cow’s milk May result in symptoms of early osteoporosis as well, with 1 liter of cow’s milk containing about 1,200 milligrams of calcium, but almost no magnesium that converts calcium in the body. If the body absorbs large amounts of calcium (From drinking a lot of cow’s milk) has a chance to cause the balance of minerals in the body to break down. But even though there is no scientifically proven results to support seriously But as a precaution by drinking cow’s milk in moderation, it’s healthier. But there is another way to increase bone density by doing small things in everyday life, as suggested by Okino Takashi, M.D., as follows:

POP Tip:

Did you know Foot strike by lifting both feet and gently slamming the foot on the floor, gradually increasing the weight little by little. (Don’t hit too hard) will help increase bone density. Try to practice doing it every morning. for strong bones

Image: Shutterstock

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