Sixteen departments on orange alert this Wednesday

by time news

Since the beginning of the week, France has been chaining weather alerts. This Wednesday, the weather will still be dominated by a winter disturbance resulting in heavy snowfall and rain, with 14 departments on orange alert for snow and ice, another for rain and flooding and one for submersion waves, according to Météo-France.

Orange snow and ice vigilance concerns the following departments: Ain, Allier, Côte-d’Or, Creuse, Doubs, Isère, Loire, Puy-de-Dôme, Haut-Rhin, Rhône, Haute-Saône, Saône-et-Loire, Vosges and Territory of Belfort. A department of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, is on orange rain flood alert. Orange vigilance also for submersion waves in southern Corsica.

Snow expected in Brittany

The weather will remain disturbed with snowfall from Limousin to the North-East at the end of the night. From Burgundy to Franche-Comté, a few centimeters will accumulate on the plain in the morning. A few snowfalls will also spill over into Champagne, Lorraine and as far as the Lyon region.

It will snow at low altitude near the Alps. On the west side, a trolling regime will set in with frequent showers over Aquitaine accompanied by thunderstorms. The rain-snow limit will be around 300/500 m in the Pyrenees. On Brittany, there could be snowfall.

Negative temperatures

The stormy showers will follow one another in the morning on Corsica, especially on the west. Snow will fall at low altitude on the relief, from 400/600 m. These showers will weaken over the hours. In Occitania, but also from the center to the north of France, we will find calmer weather with a few showers. Clearings will be present during the day. Around the Mediterranean, the weather will remain dry and the sun will make a few appearances. On the other hand, the Tramontane will remain quite strong and the westerly wind sensitive on the coast.

Frosts will be widespread over the northern half with -3 to 1 degrees from east to west. We expect -6 to -2 degrees in the Massif Central. In the south, they will be more localized. Along the Mediterranean, the minimums will be between 2 and 6 degrees. The maximum will remain cold in the North-East and in Auvergne with 0 to 4 degrees. Mercury will show 3 to 8 degrees elsewhere, up to 8 to 14 degrees in the Southeast.

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