“Like entering a secular synagogue”: Danny Bassan does Yankel’a Rotblit

by time news

Acclaimed composer Danny Besan fulfilled a dream when he performed Rotblit’s songs at the last piano festival, and continued with ‘Danny Besan sings Rotblit’ for other performances. In a conversation with Iris Cole on 103fm, Basan told how the show came about. “The reason we’re actually talking today is because of the very exciting show I went out with recently and it’s ‘Danny Besan Cher Rothblit’.”

When was this dream woven?
“My relationship with Rotblit began 40 years ago. I met him when he wrote ‘Morning of Fun’ for us. I traveled with Nitzani to Jerusalem, we met Rotblit. I fell in love with a man. He is one of the best lyricists out there, witty, polished, sensitive , and really every word he says succeeds in expressing a whole set of emotions. Then I made an entire album with him that includes ‘The Voice and the Image’, followed by other songs like ‘Derchno’ and ‘Devars I wanted to say’. It’s a kind of connection that lasts a long time. Recently, I felt that I was mature enough to step into very big shoes like Shmulik Kraus’s.”

How involved was Rothblit himself?
“As soon as this idea came up, I introduced him and he was very happy. It was clear that he would be a guest in the first show and now in all the following shows that are going to be, he is going to be in them.”

This is the time to do what you want, right Danny? There is no stress and panic when we were young. Now you just have to enjoy what you have.
“It comes from a place of you can afford to do things you want. Much more confident in yourself. It’s less of a place for myself, but I do it from a place of making people happy. I think that a lot of people my age and younger, and maybe even older, will really find the It’s outrageous on an evening like this, because it’s really a kind of tribal bonfire that’s great fun to come to.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Amitai Doak, 103fm

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