Suor Orsola, Bernini at the inauguration of the academic year

by time news

NoonJanuary 18, 2023 – 6:06 pm

The minister of the University on his first visit to a university in the South, the ceremony baptizes the new degree course in Digital Humanities for literary subjects and cultural heritage

Of Online editorial staff

The Minister of University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, will be there to formally inaugurate the new academic year of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, which restarted this year with the great novelty of the first master’s degree course in the South in “Digital Humanities for literary subjects and cultural heritage” (with registrations open until 31 March 2023).

The appointment with the solemn ceremony set for Friday 20 January at 11 in the Suor Orsola great hall (also with live streaming on when the Rector, Lucio d’Alessandro, currently also at the helm of the sector of non-state universities within the CRUI, the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities, will kick off the academic year n. 441 from the foundation of the monumental seat of the monastic citadel of Suor Orsola (1581) and n. 121 since the birth of the University (1901).

Together with the Minister Anna Maria Bernini at Suor Orsola there will be the highest national leaders of the University and Research sector from the new president of CRUI, Salvatore Cuzzocrea to the president of ANVUR, Antonio Felice Uricchio, together with numerous Rectors from all over Italy representing all the other Italian universities (from the Rector of the University of the Marches, Gian Luca Gregori, to the Rector of the University of Basilicata, Ignazio Marcello Mancini). In the front row there will also be the Undersecretary for Relations with Parliament, Pina Castiello, the President of the Campania Regional Council, Gennaro Oliviero, General Giuseppenicola Tota, commander of the Southern Operational Forces of the Italian Army, the President of the Court of Naples, Elisabetta Garzo, and the Mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi who, in 2020 precisely in his role as Minister of University and Research, had inaugurated the academic year of Suor Orsola.

The program of the day with the inaugural lectio by Lucilla Gatt on the law of new technologies, one of the sectors of excellence Unisob

The inauguration ceremony of the Suor Orsola academic year will have its traditional opening with the prolusion of the Rector, Lucio d’Alessandro, and will continue with the interventions of the representative of the excellent graduates of Suor Orsola and the representative of the technical-administrative staff of the University. This year the representative of the excellent Alsob graduates comes from the Suor Orsola Department of Humanities and in particular from the international language study and research sector: Sara Longobardi who, less than ten years after her master’s degree, has forged ahead in a brilliant academic career culminating in the national qualification as associate professor of Spanish language and translation and with the ‘call’ of ‘his’ University.

On the other hand, Annamaria Iardino, head of the University’s Internationalization and Erasmus Area, will represent the University’s organizational and management machine. A choice that also underlines the strong vocation for the internationalization of teaching and research that Suor Orsola has been pursuing for years and which exactly five years ago culminated in the birth of the Center for the development of European projects that the Neapolitan University has permanently opened in Brussels.

The lectio inauguralis for the 2022/23 academic year will be entrusted to Lucilla Gatt, full professor of civil law and scientific director of the Research Center of European Private Law, one of the leading Italian experts in the law of new technologies who has given Suor Orsola a specific address in the Master’s Degree Course in Law, the only limited number of students in the South, open to only 150 students a year. Her inaugural lectio will be dedicated to the theme “The liability of automatons: on the edge of juridical subjectivity”.

“The Suor Orsola Benincasa University has not stopped even a day during these last two academic years crossed by the serious pandemic emergency – underlines the Rector Lucio d’Alessandro – and indeed we have invested time and resources to study the great global changes in the post Covid world trying to plan, as we always do in concert with businesses and the world of work, also at an educational level, new scenarios and new professional profiles in which young people from the South can invest (from the new frontiers of e-government of Public Administrations to medical humanities, from the green economy to the management of human resources at the time of the digital transition). Nonetheless, we are preparing with great emotion to ‘rediscover’ in the presence, with over 300 guests, and in all its solemnity, the inauguration ceremony of the academic year which in recent years at Suor Orsola has had the privilege of hosting the greatest exponents of Italian institutions: from the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who chose Sister Orsola at the beginning of her first mandate for one of her first visits to an Italian university, to the Minister Anna Maria Bernini whom we thank for choosing our University for her first intervention in a Southern University in his role as Minister of University and Research”.

January 18, 2023 | 6:06pm

© Time.News

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