In the Pyrenees, these walls that block Franco-Spanish friendship

by time news
For two years, France has maintained physical barriers on eight border roads with Spain (here, the Banyuls pass). JC MILHET/Hans Lucas via AFP

DECRYPTION – A France-Spain summit is being held this Thursday in Barcelona to strengthen ties between the two countries.


These are four large stones lined up on a dirt road. The most imposing must measure half a meter high, for 1.50 m long. There, on a pass in the Pyrenees, on the edge of the town of La Vajol and the village of Las Illas, a physical border has re-emerged between France and Spain. Four large pebbles block access to vehicles. In principle. Our guides, three French and a Spaniard, take us back to their SUV. Ten meters to the right of the rocks placed by order of the Pyrénées-Orientales prefecture, a track has been laid out over a few hundred meters by a construction machine. It crosses a private plot, thus sheltered from public intervention. Anyone with a vehicle tall enough or old enough not to worry about wrecking its chassis can challenge the Republic ramparts inexpensively.

It’s been a little over two years now. As France and Spain prepare to celebrate their friendship on a level only comparable…

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