Single window for companies: professionals demand the reopening of the old system

by time news

The galley continues on the new one-stop shop for companies, hacked in early January and plagued with malfunctions. Representatives of regulated professions specialists in business formalities requested this Wednesday the complete reopening of the Infogreffe site, the old device.

The French Institute of Chartered Accountants and Auditors (Ifec) published a “white paper” on Wednesday listing the many malfunctions that would affect the one-stop shop: “names of towns or addresses non-existent, impossibility of signing, request for useless documents, delegation of payment, obligation to fill in information already transmitted, formalities not validated without explanation…”.

The institute says it collected 3,600 signatures on January 10 from chartered accountants, lawyers, notaries, clerks of the commercial court, entrepreneurs and employers’ organizations denouncing these dysfunctions.

Professionals do not contest the principle of the one-stop shop, but they denounce the conditions for its launch, which according to them create legal and economic risks for companies that cannot complete their formalities. The government has promised that the new platform will be fully operational by the end of February.

“It didn’t work before the hack”

“It’s a scandal, we may be taken a little for fools”, got carried away during a press conference the president of Ifec, Christophe Priem, the day after a declaration to the Meeting of the Minister Delegate for SMEs Olivia Grégoire acknowledging “difficulties” on the new platform but attributing them to a “computer attack”.

Christophe Priem recalled having requested on December 15 in a letter to Olivia Grégoire the postponement of the entry into force and deplored not having been heard.

“There, it doesn’t work because there was a hack, but anyway it didn’t work before” January 1 when going through the INPI site was not yet the obligatory passage to accomplish formalities of companies such as a creation, a modification of status or a radiation, declared during the same conference Emmanuel Askin, president of the association ACE – Lawyers, together, which brings together business consulting firms.

It is necessary “to ask the government to recognize that they may have gone a little too quickly, to reopen not partially but completely the services of Infogreffe” of the commercial courts which managed in particular until now the registrations of companies, has summary Wahib Dahmani, president of the Club of Young Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors (CJEC).

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