Vegans forego vaccination and die

by time news

A vegan refused to be vaccinated against the coronavirus because of the animal experiments. Now Glynn Steel has lost the battle against infection.

the essentials in brief

  • A British vegan refused the Covid vaccination because of the animal testing.
  • Two weeks ago Glynn Steel († 54) lost the battle against an infection.

A Briton lost the two-week fight against the coronavirus in the intensive care unit. Glynn Steel’s last words to his double-vaccinated wife Emma (50) were: “I’ve never felt so sick, I wish I had the vaccination.”

It’s a tragic story because Glynn decided not to vaccinate out of ethical convictions. The almost 55-year-old was a staunch vegan and waived the vaccination because of the animal experiments.

Emma told the “Mirror” that her husband wanted to retire soon. «He wanted to travel more and spend time with his animals. Now an empty future awaits me alone. “

The widow has asked people to get the spades against the corona virus. “I insist that everyone I know get the vaccine,” she said.

According to Emma, ​​her husband also asked for the vaccination at the end of the day. Just before he was hooked up to the ventilators in the intensive care unit. “But the doctors told him it was too late.”

Coronavirus vaccines tested on animals

Emma describes her husband as “a very gentle soul”. The field technician looked after a total of six rescued cats and dogs in his house. He even brought home a dog in need from a vacation in Sri Lanka.

He hesitated about the coronavirus vaccine after reading that manufacturers were testing them on animals. Glynn’s illness began with a cold that gradually worsened.

On October 27th, he tested positive for the coronavirus. His condition deteriorated rapidly, and his wife called an ambulance. However, since no one was available, Emma had to take her unconscious husband to the hospital herself.

“I will miss our love forever”

Ten ambulances were already standing in line in front of the hospital. Glynn was quickly admitted to the intensive care unit. On November 10, he was put on ventilators and placed in an artificial coma.

Emma: «I was by his side when he died. I was wearing a full body protective suit, I couldn’t even touch it, but they played his favorite music for him. “

Are you vaccinated against the coronavirus?

After the life support measures were switched off, Glynn Steel died within 20 minutes. It is now two weeks since his death, Emma mourns: “I will forever miss our friendship, our relationship, our love and our connection to one another.”

More on the subject:

Snake cats love dog coma death coronavirus


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