The Quiet Revolution: Casey does what no one else has dared to do survival

by time news

We came to this chapter after last time we found out that the “summit of decisions” is synonymous with the “summit of lies”, and mainly we got a promise of “Casey’s great revolution”. We’ll get to what and why, but we’ll note that this time (unlike the thousands of promo promises so far) it was actually worth the wait.

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First, let’s start with the immunity task in which the lies that Jordan and Sapir created for themselves from the summit of decisions, and this is even after Jordan revealed everything to her tribe (not that I could understand what she is doing in this program if she can’t lie). I admit that the moment Guy Zoertz asked both of them if they wanted to share what was there, I was sure that Jordan would not be able to hide the lie again and would bring down Sapir in front of Baybain. Anyway, Guy explained to them what each chain that came from the top meant and I admit that after three clan members it was a little hard to follow.

In any case, Baybain are about to return to the Tribal Council when for them there were two quite clear candidates for removal. On the one hand, Tanya, because she is close to the alliance of Guy Rosen from the second tribe, something that is going to completely complicate those who will remain from Baybain in the union, and on the other hand, we have Alit. Because this is Elit. Come on, we all know that if she is not dismissed in the next council then in the council after that.

See you at the next council. Elit in survival (photo: screenshot from Network 13)

But, someone decided to be the shifty “snoozer” of the episode and this time it’s Sapir. As I remember, from the beginning of the season there were several complaints about her not helping enough in the tribe and wanting them to do everything for her, but this time, it seems really serious. That’s all, apart from waking up Shikar like a 6-year-old girl, we didn’t really see her doing too much in the tribe and I remember from previous episodes she says she doesn’t have the strength to bring races, beautiful Sapir.

Casey, whose presence on the show is really fun by the way, takes the reins and decides to make a “revolution” with the intention of ousting Sapir. To be honest, Sapir looks to me like one of the productions they would like to see in the Union, but I won’t be too surprised (and I won’t really miss it either) if she is dismissed already in the next council.

Her removal has, in my view, an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, one less padala, better for the clan. On the other hand, the move leaves Sa’ar almost completely alone and it’s a bit of a bummer, because let’s face it, Sa’ar is one of the only ones you can catch a normal survivor from. Also a strategist, also physically strong and despite everything behaves kindly to everyone. I will be very surprised if he does not reach a high level in the game. Saar may only have Tanya, and even then he will have to rebuild himself.

Got on the grill of the tribe members.  Sapir and Sehar in survival (photo: screenshot from Network 13)Got on the grill of the tribe members. Sapir and Sehar in survival (photo: screenshot from Network 13)

In order to prepare the ground for the impeachment, Casey has her conversations with Alith and Shikar. Here I must point out about Guy Shikar, and that he will be healthy for me, but this man is simply a fraud. He is told not to talk to anyone, so he goes to talk to Maya because “Casey told me to get closer to Maya” and suddenly and rather rudely compliments her on her inner and outer beauty. I have no idea if this slightly childish way of speaking and acting is still like that in real life, but it feels like something is not baked there. What’s more, it’s a bit of a shame because despite everything, I do like him.

In closing, Casey’s road is still not completely paved. Despite Maya’s distrust of Sapir, she is still debating whether to write her name on the note (I didn’t really understand why), and that’s even before we mentioned that Guy Rosen should pay a visit to Baybain and play with the necklaces that some girls there received. In any case, this move is currently the most interesting thing that has happened here since the beginning of the season. Someone in the center of things being grilled is an unexpected thing that leaves tension for the continuation. This is, of course, in the hope that Shikar (who, as I recall, never learned to lie) will not reveal everything.

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