spanish-woman-115-is-worlds-oldest-person-has-never-gone-to-hospital | Maria Branyas became the world’s oldest grandmother

by time news


Barcelona: 115-year-old American Maria Branias was chosen as the oldest person in the world. Gerontology senior consultant Robert Dieng says that Maria Branias Moreira will take the post following the death of 118-year-old French nun Lucille Randon.

He added that an official decision can be taken only after examining the Guinness World Record documents and interviewing Branyas Moreira’s family members.

Maria Branias Morora was born on March 4, 1907 in America. Their family decided to return to their native Spain due to the outbreak of World War I. At the end of the journey, Maria’s father died of tuberculosis and his body was washed overboard.

Later, Branyas and his mother settled in Barcelona. Five years before the start of the Spanish Civil War, she married a doctor and the marriage lasted four decades. Her husband dies at the age of 72. They had three children, one of whom died. There are 11 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Branyas Moreira’s youngest daughter, Rosa Moreta, 78, said her mother was healthy, she had never been to the hospital and was fine.

For the past two decades, Maria has resided at the Santa Maria del Tura Nursing Home in Olota, northeastern Spain.

Officials say that she was infected with Covid-19 after her 113th birthday but has fully recovered from the illness. Officials at the care home in Olot also said that Maria Branyas will celebrate the happy news of being selected for Guinness World Records.

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