A great minister: Rabbi Eliyahu David Reichman zt’l

by time news

But it is heavy in the world of Torah with the departure of the gaon Rabbi Eliyahu David HaCohen Reichman ztzal the son-in-law of the righteous gaon Rabbi Shalom Shavedron ztzal. who served as the head of a yeshiva in Kiryat Gat, a rabbi in Chile and the head of Amri Yosef in the Bible and the rabbis of Neve Ya’akov all his life he touched and labored in the Torah and was knowledgeable in all the rooms of the Torah. His funeral was at noon from Neve Ya’akov to the Mount of Olives

Baruch Dayan the truth: This morning the sad news came from the ‘Shaari Tzedek’ hospital in Jerusalem about the passing of the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu David HaCohen Reichman zt’l, head of the ‘Amri Yosef’ and one of the greatest disciples of the sages and Torah scholars of our generation, who passed away at the age of 90.

The Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu David ztzel was born in Jerusalem in 1932 to his father the Chasidic Gaon Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Reichman ztzel, one of the Chabad influencers in Mea Shearim and the ‘Torat Emat’ yeshiva and to his mother Mrs. Sara Nechama a.h.

In his father’s house, who was influential in the Torat Emet yeshiva in Jerusalem for forty years, during which he trained many students, and spread the teachings of Hasidism. He grew up Rabbi Eliyahu David ztzel. His father distinguished himself in his prayer work with great reach and stickiness, as well as in acts of charity and kindness and educating his sons out of devotion.

By choice, he studied at the Slavodka yeshiva in Bnei Brak, where he was liked by his fellow yeshiva leaders, and he was also close to Maran the owner of the ‘Kahailot Ya’akov’ Stiefler zt’l and to the Maran Rosh yeshiva the Gramm Shech z’t’l the owner of the ‘Avi Azri’ to which he frequently went.

When he arrived at the Ish Maqdesh chapter, he married his wife Mrs. Malka, the eldest daughter of the Magid Misher, the tzaddik rabbi Shalom Mordechai HaCohen of Hadron ztzel. After their wedding, they lived in Bnei Brak and Rabbi Eliyahu David Shaked on his Talmud in Kollel Chazon Ish together with Maran the Torah minister Hagarh Kanievsky Zetzal Vashem was in good contact with all the disciples of the sages.

On the advice of his teacher and Rebbe Maran, Rabbi Shech zt’l moved to the southern city of Kiryat Gat and opened a yeshiva and community there, at an older age he moved for a period to Tsil’a where he served as rabbi and greatly strengthened the residents of the Jewish community.

Over the years he came to the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood in Jerusalem where he was one of the most important rabbis of the neighborhood, and served as head of the ‘Amri Yosef’ kollel in Bnei Brak ‘kollel Rabbi Mandel’ of his son-in-law Rabbi Meir Yosef Stern, son of the Rabbi Alter David Chaim Stern.

A central chapter in his life was his wonderful compositions in all parts of the Torah, Rabbi Reichman had the privilege of enlightening the world of Torah with his wonderful lessons and authored many important and fundamental books in all Torah subjects, among them the books ‘The Wonder of Shavuot’ Nder and Arachin, the Adar lessons and many more books.

All his days he toiled, toiled and touched the Torah with all his might, and all with modesty throughout his years, from his youth he never recited the verses of Halacha without distraction day and night.

When Rabbi Reichman arrived at the residence of the Rosh Yeshiva HaGriG Edelstein, he said that he used to come every Shabbat at noon for a mentor at the ‘Chazon Ish’ as ​​a priest. And he remembers the affection that the Chazon Ish had for the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Gershon every time he approached him and the respect they showed him.

He was connected in the Jewish community to the head of the Yeshiva, the Gersh Auerbach ztzal, to whom he was close, as well as to the community ‘Bnei HaTorah’ and was one of the worshipers of the Bnei HaTorah synagogue in Neve Ya’akov. He was a frequent participant in the gatherings led by Rabbi Auerbach ztzal.

During the corona epidemic, he was hospitalized and miraculously saved, this week he gave another lesson in the kollel, but for the last two days he did not feel well and tonight he died in the hospital.

He won and left behind him a blessed generation of righteous men and women, sons-in-law and many descendants who continue in his footsteps.

The funeral procession today at 2:00 p.m. from his home at 5 Wingord Street in the Neve Ya’akov neighborhood in Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives Shem Yeatman.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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