From Berlusconi to Letta, party pressure increases to leave Draghi at Palazzo Chigi until 2023 and avoid early voting

by time news

Mario Draghi must remain at Palazzo Chigi in order to avoid an early return to the elections. The closer the vote for the Quirinale, the more the pressure increases for the prime minister to remain at the helm of the executive. From Come on Italy at the League, until the Pd and also some big gods 5 stars: the audience of fans who want continuity at Palazzo Chigi is expanding every day. Not only because it would allow the parliamentarians to conclude the legislature, but also because it would keep the box free on the Colle. An armchair towards which Silvio Berlusconi continues to have hopes. “We will be the first to cooperate loyally in the activity of this government, which must remain in office for as long as necessary, until 2023, until we have emerged from the emergency”, said the knight at the meeting with his people organized at Villa Gernetto , Sunday 28 November. A concept reaffirmed in an interview with Corriere della Sera, in which he asks the executive “to continue to work seriously, ensuring the stability and unity of the country”. For Berlusconi, the government “must remain in office for as long as necessary, until 2023, until we get out of the emergency “. If Draghi remained at Palazzo Chigi, could the man from Arcore continue to dream of entering the Quirinale? Here Berlusconi tries to take on the role of the man of the institutions, since he denies that he wants to deal with Colle “as long as President Mattarella is in office”. In short: in Arcore they continue to hope.

It is also in favor of continuity in Palazzo Chigi Matteo Salvini, which relaunches the interview with the leader of Come on Italy: “I agree with what Berlusconi says. Draghi is working well. I hope you continue to work for a long time and a be the president of the council“Says the head of the League. But also Luigi Di Maio, on Sunday, he had used the same tone towards the current prime minister. “Italy cannot afford to miss Mario Draghi, also because in 2022 we will have to face the revision of the Stability Pact ”. The Foreign Minister thus dismisses the specter of returning to the polls: “A government that is not in full swing – he says – does not have the powers to face the extraordinary phase of the pandemic. For me, anyone who is thinking of going to vote early at this moment for personal gain will do a damage to the country which will then respond to the story “.

Against the early vote, and for the stay of Draghi in Palazzo Chigi, it is also Enrico Letta: “We do not want to go to vote, we do not want to do so in this moment of pandemic also because Parliament must be able to make reforms thanks to such a large majority”. And on the key passage in the race to the Quirinale, while recalling that “I have never seen a president chosen two months before”, Letta continues to believe that the election of the head of state takes place “with widespread support”. The reason? “Now there is an exceptionally large majority and it would be contradictory if the majority that elects the President of the Republic were smaller”. Much clearer is Carlo Calenda, according to whom “it is necessary that a clear message arrives from the political forces, from the party secretaries Draghi who must remain prime minister until 2023 and possibly beyond “. It remains to be seen what the leader of Action means by that beyond.

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