DIP deputy head sues state: “Moderate and humiliated, investigations disrupted”

by time news
Deputy Chief DIP This morning (Monday), Adv. Moshe Saada filed a detailed statement of claim in the National Labor Court in Jerusalem against the head of DIP, Adv. Keren Bar Menachem, and the former State Attorney, Adv. Shai Nitzan. Saada claims abuse at work and mentions in his lawsuit a variety of allegedly explosive cases that have been investigated in recent years in the DIP, such as the Umm al-Hiran affair, the Meron disaster, and the death of her beloved godfather.

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Deputy Chief of Staff

Deputy Head of DIP Moshe Saada

(Photo: Elad Gershgoren)

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Ora Tasma, Salomon Taka's cousin before the meeting between the lawyers representing the family and MekhOra Tasma, Salomon Taka's cousin before the meeting between the lawyers representing the family and Mekh

“DIP has turned from an operational body into a slacker”

(Photo: Ohad Zweigenberg)

In the statement of claim, Saada states that “in parallel with the abuse campaign (in Saada – ABC) aimed at the gatekeeper, the police investigation department was sourced and weakened and the prosecutor had to see with his own eyes how the professional conduct went wrong, the work ethic deteriorated and the department collapsed. “From an operational unit that strives for contact and is at the core of the action, without its people being afraid to strive for contact and in appropriate cases even to interrogate senior officials at the top of the police, for a slack and insecure body.”

According to him, the severe damage to DIP and the senior gatekeeper in the image of the prosecutor, the deputy director of the department, was deliberately done by interested parties in the top prosecutor’s office, who wanted to join hands with the top police in investigating the cases of opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu. Law, harm to victims of crime as well as severe harm to DIP as a unit, its values ​​and its people. ”

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Shai useShai use

“Tried to ensure at all costs close cooperation with the Commissioner.” Shai Nitzan

(Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

Saada claims that then-State Attorney Shai Nitzan tried to ensure “almost at all costs” close cooperation with former police commissioner Roni Alsich, who came to the police from the GSS ranks and saw from the first moment in the DIP a “hostile organization” to be restrained.

The deputy head of DIP talks about the series of investigations he conducted against many officers at the top of the police and writes, “During the years 2017-2015, many officers in the Israel Police, including a number of extras, were interrogated at DIP. At that time, DIP by Adv. Nitzan, including in the case of Chief of Police Nissim Moore, (retired) Hagai Dotan, in the investigation of the Rittman case (inter alia in relation to his interrogation as a witness of then-Commissioner Danino – ABK) and in the interrogation Adv. Ronel Fischer and Adv. Ruth David, as well as in other cases.

According to him, “these are improper pressures whose purpose was to prevent as much embarrassment as possible in the Israeli police and the system.” He notes that “in the face of those undue pressures, the DIP management at the time stood as a wall in order to prevent a foreign influence in those investigations and to ensure equality before the law.” “Adv. Nitzan chose to act as he did, due to ‘the interests of the state’ … so as not to do good to those who want the evil of the law enforcement system … and it is enough to be wise in Ramiza.”

In late 2015, at the same time as the then commissioner Roni Alshikh was appointed, a criminal investigation was conducted in the DIP against Rosh Lahav 433, Superintendent Roni Rittman, following information received in the DIP about a suspicion of sexual harassment and attempted to commit an indecent act on an officer serving under His command.

“After a quick and exhaustive investigation, DIP found that there was a reasonable chance of convicting Superintendent Rittman,” Saada notes. Despite this, there was a clear reluctance on the part of Adv. Nitzan and Attorney General Weinstein to accept DIP’s recommendation to summon Superintendent Rittman to a hearing before filing an indictment, as was the case in similar cases in the past and as DIP recommended.

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Ronny RittmanRonny Rittman

“DIP revealed the decision to close the case through the media,” said Roni Rittman

(Photo: Zvika Tischler)

The general professional assessment was that as Ritman retired, this would greatly reduce the intensity of the public interest involved in prosecuting him in a criminal proceeding, and it would be sufficient to terminate the officer’s service, just as was done in the case of other senior police officers in similar circumstances. Shortly after Michan, DIP was surprised to find out through media coverage that in stark contrast to the summary of the meeting, and without sharing in the reversal that took place in the decision-making process, Attorney General Weinstein, on the recommendation of then-State Attorney Nitzan, closed the case. It was agreed upon.

“The then DIP manager’s attempt to block the surprising move was unsuccessful and so, a few days after the case was closed on the recommendation of Adv. Nitzan, Commissioner Alsheikh returned Superintendent Rittman to the police force, to his senior position and felt like head of blade 433, as if things never were “, Saada writes.

At a very early stage after the incident, in which the teacher was killed Yaakov Abu Alqian And policeman Erez Levy, Commissioner Alsheikh declared to the media that this is a “A terrorist incident Against a nationalist background sponsored by ISIS, “which was neutralized by the Israel Police. Shortly afterwards, an Israeli police spokeswoman on her own initiative distributed the video of the incident taken by a police helicopter, which raised many questions about what was happening and the then commissioner’s claim that it was a” terrorist attack. ” .

The publication of this video led to the opening of a DIP investigation, in full coordination with the then State Attorney and Attorney General Mandelblit. “To say the least,” Saada says, During the investigation, DIP was pressured by Commissioner Alsheikh, and the investigation was even disrupted, among other things, directly by Alsheikh himself. ” He claimed: “This opinion, which was submitted to State Attorney Nitzan, has never been published, and the serious things that were flooded with it have never received real treatment!”.

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Saada claimed: “Alsheikh ordered ‘to enter’ me”

(Photo: Ohad Zweigenberg)

Saada adds in the lawsuit: “Things reached a climax when the assistant commissioner at the time, Chief of Staff Ofer Shomer, inadvertently sent the plaintiff a message that was apparently sent to him by the then commissioner, in which the latter instructed him: ‘Enter the restaurant.’ “Apart from trying to intimidate his interrogators, Commissioner Al – Shikh disrupted the Umm al – Hiran investigation while during a police briefing regarding the cases of former Prime Minister Netanyahu, he also chose to brief on the incident in Umm al – Hiran, which was at the beginning of an investigation. And an investigation. ”

He claimed: “In this briefing, the Commissioner revealed, intentionally or with gross negligence, sensitive and clever details from the police version, which were under investigation at the time. “In the evidence in this case, there is a more reasonable basis for suspicion that as a result of this public briefing, the police officers learned about details from the version of their friends and adopted parts of the version leaked by Alshikh, while deviating from their previous version.”

Saada also reveals in his lawsuit the chain of events in the DIP at the beginning of the tragic incident in which he was killed Salomon Taka From a policeman in Haifa. He argued that he was barred because during the said period a DIP manager was abroad and the plaintiff was to serve as her deputy. Immediately after the incident and after the plaintiff understood the sensitivity of the matter, Saada ordered the head of the branch and an AHM officer who were on vacation in Eilat to join the team and handle the incident.

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Salomon TakaSalomon Taka

The prosecutor is excluded from the investigation file. Salomon Taka

Contrary to the plaintiff’s instruction and without the DIP principal informing him, the DIP principal instructed the two to continue the leave. Immediately upon the return of the DIP director to Israel, meetings were held in the DIP and the State Attorney’s Office, and the plaintiff was not summoned to any of the meetings. It should be noted that during the said investigation, the Deputy State Attorney for Criminal Affairs contacted the plaintiff and asked him to update him regarding the status of the handling of the case. The prosecutor told him that he was “neutralized from the investigation,” and that the DIP director revoked his decisions without informing him of it.

Also in the disaster on Mount Meron, in which 44 people were killed in the revelry, Saada claims that he was excluded from the investigation. On the eve of the incident, he sent text messages to Deputy State Attorney Momi Lemberger in which he asked to participate in the investigation “despite the disputes he puts aside.”

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Saada offered to help, the Bar Menachem Foundation allegedly refusedSaada offered to help, the Bar Menachem Foundation allegedly refused

Saada offered to help, the Bar Menachem Foundation allegedly refused

(Photo: Ofer Amram)

He wrote to Lemberg: “Hi! Now I have learned through the media that we are investigating the heavy disaster in Meron. Given the national importance of the event, based on my professional experience as the person who accompanied the events of October 2000 and the Carmel disaster, I ask to take part and assist.” Despite this, Saada claims, Bar Menachem also excluded him from this investigation.

As you may recall, ten months ago the boy was killed Beloved Godfather In a rollover they rode after a chase by a police force in Benjamin. Since then, the investigation has been ongoing, but there is no decision in the case. Saada, he claims, was also excluded from this investigation at the very beginning. He now claims she is filthy. “The fact that the police officers were not questioned immediately after the accident and their phones were not taken led to the disruption of the investigation and the fact that it will be difficult to get to the truth investigation in the case,” he notes.

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At the end of a police chase after boys who threw stones at Palestinian cars, a boy was killed and his friends were injured inAt the end of a police chase after boys who threw stones at Palestinian cars, a boy was killed and his friends were injured in

The officers were not immediately questioned, no decision has yet been made. Investigating the death of a filthy godfather?

(Photo: Rescue Union spokeswoman, courtesy of the family)

The failures of the investigation were first exposed in the supplement “Seven days“Of” Yedioth Ahronoth. “In one of the omissions, Saada claims:” The police tried to seize the cameras that documented the scene, thereby impairing DIP’s ability to present a presentation to the suspects during the investigation, because we have documentation of the incident. ”

In addition, it was revealed that the decision to establish a special investigation team consisting of the police and the Jerusalem District Attorney’s Office was made by the Deputy State Attorney himself. Momi Lemberger wrote in an internal document that the decision “relied on prosecutors and DIP members who argued that it was the best way to get to the truth.”


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