The Comedy Festival named after the late Safi Rivlin will be held for the ninth time: these are the shows that await you

by time news

The Safi Rivlin Comedy and Humor Festival is starting, for the ninth year, with a fine and diverse team that includes Israel’s best comedians, who will be hosted at the festival in a variety of premiere shows, productions and unique combinations

Published on: 20.1.23 08:58

The humor festival named after the late Safi Rivlin, who was a resident of the city and a member of the city council, will also be held this year in Rishon Lezion, for the ninth time in a row. The festival, which will be held at the cultural hall in the city, will this year present special original productions alongside premiere entertainment shows.

“A ballad between the stars – Nachalat HaKtana – A neighborhood tune” – The comedy and humor festival in a special tribute to Rishon Lezion on the occasion of the 140th anniversary celebrations – an original production – the best artists, theater actors, entertainers and singers sing and perform from the works of three legends: Popik Arnon, Yigal Bashan and of course Sefi Rivlin, who grew up on the same street in the same old neighborhood in Rishon Lezion and later became To be synonymous with Israeliness and an integral part of the soundtrack of our lives. With the participation of: Avi Dor, Aharon Ferrera, Oshik Levy, Hanna Leslau, Tovia Tzafir, Maya Avraham, Niki Goldstein, Adi Cohen, Einat Sharoff, Rivka Michaeli, Shimon Buskila and accompanied by a live orchestra under the musical direction of Ilan Shas. The show will take place on 8.3, Wednesday, at 20:30.

Another festive and one-off show especially for the festival will be the show “Trio Entertainment” starring Odia Koren, Tzipi Shavit, Shlomo Baraba – two of the funniest entertainers in Israel and a particularly beloved comedian come on stage one after the other in one festive evening full of laughter!. The show will take place on 7.3, Tuesday at 20:30.

Eli Yitzfan, and Beaz Sharabi, will meet on one stage in a funny and exciting show with lots of music, laughter and humor accompanied by a live orchestra, Miki Geva will perform a new stand-up show about marriage, fatherhood, the endless differences between women and men, the cost of living in Israel and more, and Yair Nitsani will return to the stage in a special stand-up show that will premiere at the festival. The show will take place on 9.3, Thursday, at 20:30

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As is the best tradition, this year too there will be a comic monologue competition in which students from acting schools across the country will participate who will present in front of a professional panel of judges led by the director and artistic director of the National Theater “Habima”, Moshe Kaptan. The winner will be awarded a cash prize in the name of Sefi Rivlin for a study scholarship. The award will be presented to him by the mayor Raz Kinstlich and representatives of the Rivlin family. Also, a prize will be awarded to a theater student from the Rishon Lezion school.

Kinstlich said: “It is amazing that in its 140 years our city can claim such great successes, as a rule, also in the form of artists such as Sefi Rivlin, Mordechai Popik Arnon, and Yigal Bashan, who were among its residents and later became a thing in Israeli culture, and will now receive the respect they deserve as part of the festival. I invites everyone to come and enjoy a celebration of comedy and humor. As every year, the festival will present a variety of shows that will create a mix of laughter and emotion.”

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