Isabel Diaz Ayuso | Ayuso will invest 15 million to promote life “Madrid style”

by time news

Mario Vaquerizo participates in the new promotional video for the Madrid region

All the candidates for mayor of Madrid and the Community have attended the event at the stand in Madrid except Unidas Podemos

Madrid has gone from promoting itself with that “relaxing cup of coffee with milk in Plaza Mayor” by Ana Botella to do it with this other slogan: “Madrid is cool”. The spanglish seems to gain a foothold in advertising from the region, where most of the tourists are of American origin, according to what the president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has revealed, but the presentation of Madrid Day at Fitur has also incorporated a variety of accents and a particular way of delving into the roots of a city in which an important part of the population has other origins. The mexican accent and Hispanicity have slipped into the stand shared by the Community of Madrid and the City Council, but where the first impact responded more to Ayuso’s usual speech: “In Madrid all accents fit”.

“I am pure American, Mexican and Spanish, the daughter of mezcal, the sword and flamenco”, has sung Andrea Ballardo, star of the controversial musical ‘Malinche’ by Nacho Canowith his Mexican accent in the first interpretation of the institutional act, where it has not been mentioned that the Community of Madrid will allocate 15 million for the promotion of the region abroad12.4 of those million corresponding to the budget of the regional government and the rest to the Madrid City Council.

Priority markets for Madrid

The distribution by markets of this item will be made between the United States and Canada (7.1 million); Republic of South Korea, Japan and China (3.8 million); Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar (1.5 million) and, finally, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil (2.5 million). The return on this investment is later translated into the spending that each of these tourists spends in Madrid. For the moment, what has been achieved today is that Solo Features will leave in the region revenues of 400 million euros.

The promotion, although it will include details about thel business, shopping, rural or urban tourismbasically translates into explaining to the rest of the countries that Madrid “is above all a lifestyle which is increasingly acting as a magnet for large projects and investors that feed each other, as always happened in Madrid among the most important cultural currents. Today all of them are compared with other places in the world and tell us nowhere like Madrid”, Ayuso told an audience that included the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida, the spokespersons and candidates of almost all formations in the Madrid City Council and Assembly and several regional deputies.

hugs in campaign

Feijóo greeted the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Commerce, Reyes Maroto, who came to the stand in her role as candidatebut she had to leave before seeing the performance of the Malinche artists because she had to visit the Galician stand, this time, as a minister.

With whom Feijóo has also embraced, before going to do it with Mañueco, it has been with Mario Vaquerizo, who in the promotional video for Madrid lists several of the tourist virtues of the region. Although without a hug in between, this presentation, which only the United Podemos candidates for City Hall and Community have missed, has also left another image, which is that of the socialist Juan Lobato chatting for a long time with Rocío Monasterio or that of Mónica García de standing and with no place to sit, although in the end, as always happens, those of protocol They have managed so that he could be together with the rest of the authorities.

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“From Madrid to heaven”, said the promotional video after correcting a young Anglo-Saxon who “Madrid is cool, here they say cool“. But the one who has really corrected the video has been the mayor of Madrid. Almeidapacked and trying to transfer to those present the furor for Madrid that is perceived in the tourism data (“unstoppable” or “Madrid is coming out”), he concluded his speech by saying that “better from heaven to Madrid, which is better in Madrid than in heaven”.

The key invitation as a claim to visit Madrid, in any case, has not come from the mouth of any politician. “I’ll wait for you in Malasaña with a cane”the video said.

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