Neos want lockdown for trade on December 6th. quit – politics

by time news

If the Neos have their way, trade in Austria should open again from December 6th. It should also be open on Advent Sundays.

The Neos fear the lockdown will have a massive negative impact on the economy. Therefore, the trade should be reopened as early as December 6th, economic spokesman Gerald Loacker calls on Monday. This could also save the busy Mary’s holiday (December 8th).

The following Advent Sundays should also be opened for the Christmas business. However, according to Neos, opening a restaurant at the same time is currently unimaginable.

Risk of infection low

For the opening of trade, 2G and FFP2 mask requirements should apply. “Of course” the required opening on the remaining Advent Sundays must be “voluntary” for the employees and all the usual allowances must also be paid, according to Loacker.

With regard to the risk of infection, he referred to AGES data, according to which only 0.1 to 0.2 of Covid infections occur in retail. “It is still too early to open the catering or even the hotel industry on December 6th,” said Loacker. For this, the federal states would have to implement 2G plus. “Unfortunately, only Vienna can do that.”

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