The 2023 Bagutta Award to Marco Missiroli-

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The writer wins with «Have everything», a novel published by Einaudi. The recognition for the first work to Andrea De Spirt, author of «Every creature is an island» (il Saggiatore)

IS Marco Missiroli with the novel Have it allpublished by Einaudi, the winner of Premio Bagutta 2023, now in its 97th edition. The Prize, which according to ancient tradition opens the Italian season of literary awards, was assigned by the jury presided over by Isabella Bossi Fedrigotti, whose secretary is Andrea Kerbaker, composed of Marco Amerighi, Rosellina Archinto, Eva Cantarella, Elio Franzini, Umberto Galimberti, Davide Mosca, Elena Pontiggia, Enzo Restagno, Mario Santagostini, Roberta Scorranese, Alessandra Tedesco, Valeria Advantages and Orio Vergani.

Within Missiroli’s journey – reads a note sent by the Prize – «the jurors found that Have it all (here Domenico Starnone’s review in the «Corriere») represents the most intimate, true, personal stage, above all for two narrative elements: on the one hand the deep relationship of a son with his elderly father, sick, who page after page weakens and fails, until a bitter death; the excavation into the great hidden vice of the young protagonist is equally sincere: gambling, which gradually creeps into the narrative, at first in a subtle, subtle way, with hints of the card tables that begin quietly and then become more and more frequent». In the pages of Missiroli, the press release continues, “death and the threat of ruin for the game – combined in a concise phrasing, which has always represented the stylistic key of the author – thus proceed in symbiosis, in a novel that the jury seemed courageous and convincing.

Il award for the first work it went to the 33-year-old instead Andrea De Spirtauthor of Each creature is an island, published by the Assayer. A novel in 500 paragraphs, sometimes short or very short, which tells of a young man looking for traces of his brother, who mysteriously disappeared on an island. The jury, continues the press release, “particularly appreciated its form, which is not devoid of a certain tendency towards experimentation, but without ever being too reckless”.

As usual, the prize will be awarded in the headquarters in via De Grassi made available by Francesco Micheli, historic supporter of Bagutta. Also from this point of view, after the interlude of the pandemic, there is a return to tradition, with the delivery of the prize on the last Sunday of January.

January 20, 2023 (change January 20, 2023 | 12:32)

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