Pension reform: youth organizations supported by LFI parade in Paris

by time news

A dozen youth organizations must parade this Saturday in Paris against the pension reform. The organizers do not intend to bring together the million or two million demonstrators – according to estimates by the police or the CGT – who beat the pavement Thursday throughout France.

But Philippe Juraver, head of LFI’s “struggle network”, “hopes to do better than in October”, a reference to the “march against the high cost of living” organized by the Mélenchonists and which had drained 140,000 participants according to the organizers, 30,000 according to the police.

However, doing better is not won. The movement founded by Jean-Luc Mélenchon was more timid in its communication to organize this event, preferring to hide behind ten youth organizations. “We realized that the young people wanted to put themselves forward, that they felt the first concerned,” says Philippe Juraver. Who admits that LFI was also aware of having to show their credentials to the unions, “offended” that the date was announced before theirs.

“So in the communication, we were very careful, it was only for a few days, after the announcement of the date of the 19th, that we increased the communication for the 21st”, he explains.

The UNEF will not be there

First thorn in the side, the Unef, the main student union, will not participate. “Because we are convinced that to bend this pension reform, we must have a united union front, to organize the fight as broadly as possible”, justifies Imane Ouelhadj, its president.

And, contrary to the “march against the high cost of living”, the left alliance Nupes does not support this initiative either, EELV, PCF and PS believing that it is necessary, for pensions, to let the unions do their thing.

VIDEO. Demonstration in Paris: the Place de la République black with people

“In this hard and long battle, we will have to respect the calendar of the trade union organizations”, without “dispersing”, thus warned the leader of the communists Fabien Roussel, Friday on RTL.

Conversely, LFI MP Aurélie Trouvou, used to attempting mediation between the left and the unions, believes that the role of politicians “is to mobilize other sectors, youth, retirees, entrepreneurs, women”.

“We cannot afford the luxury of competition in our social camp”, also pleads the NPA, which will send in the procession its spokespersons Olivier Besancenot and Pauline Salingue.

“Say stop to this antisocial measure”

But even within political formations, the strategies are different. “EELV and other parties have decided to wait for the date of the inter-union”, but “it was important to mobilize early (and announce it) from December, because young people cannot wait”, believes Clovis Daguerre, Young Ecologists.

Young people fear “a reduction in the number of jobs”, explains Noémie Stickan, representative of the FIDL high school student union. And they want more generally to “say stop to this antisocial measure” of postponing the retirement age to 64 years.

Alongside the Student Alternative or the Voix Lycéenne, the youth movements of the left-wing parties will take the lion’s share of the demonstration: the Young Insoumis, the Young Ecologists, the Young Generations, Place Publique Jeunes and the NPA Jeunes.

“Saturday we play Hello we are back behind youth organizations,” wrote Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Thursday evening. The media “wish, thinking to dissuade, to make it a march of political parties and even as usual Mélenchon market. We have already seen what it gave in the recent past: it attracts! »

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