Ella Li Lahav: “The world of entertainment is difficult. There are really no friends”

by time news

“They talk about me in quantities,” she sang These are my blade In the previous single she released with Eden Hasson, And its attitude to the fact that it is talked about a lot could be understood from the name of the song: “Put a stripe”. Also in the new song that Ella Lee releases today, “Peka Peka”, which she wrote and composed with Dor Gal Ahead of an upcoming EP (mini-album), a similar message appears: “how much how much they talk about me for no reason” and why why why do they think I care “(watch above).

These are me, if in your two songs you released in a row you say that you are talked about but do not care about it, maybe it is a sign that you actually care about it? If you did not care then you would not talk so much about talking about you so much.

“The truth is I really do not care that they talk about me. They can talk as much as they want, and can say what they want. In the end it is not fun when too much people talk about you and mention your name in affair and gossip. It is not the most fun in the world. Such an awakening for everyone, to say such a thing ‘hey, enough’. Maybe I do not care and it does not really move me but it still does not please me, so calm down. “To the industry, and it’s very strange the amount of buzz I had. I did not see a man who was photographed so much or talked about so much. It was really, really strange to me. Then I realized I was the only one doing problems.”

In the song you are alluding to your relationship with Maya Jerris: “Everyone wants to taste the papaya, you can ask Mmm. Aya.” What is your current relationship status?

“We are not coming back. Maya and I have ended our relationship. I am looking for a new place. I am currently single. It was really nice. There was no purpose to hurt, she knew about it and everything is fine. At the moment I am in my world and she is in her world.”

Maya Jeris, Ella Li Lahav (Photo: Or Geffen)

In previous songs that Avdat has released with prominent names such as producers Johnny Goldstein and Winon Yahel and successful writers such as Ron Bitton and Itai Shimoni. In this song she collaborated with Dor Gal, who was the DJ of Static and Ben El, who is a relatively lesser known name. What is the reason for this?

“Dor and I met at the club, and we had a great connection. We sat down to talk about music and decided to write this song. The truth is he is a stunning person and I had a lot of fun working with him. I’m not looking to work with names but with talented people who are fun to work with. The names I worked with – they are all amazing “

Your new song sounds like the Israel Pop of yesteryear with reggaeton influences. What about the kay-pop style (Korean pop), from which you were influenced in the first single, it still interests you?

“I really like kay-pop. I think it’s nice that I brought kay-pop to the country, very happy with it, but in the end I want to do something that will be mine, and not want to be labeled as ‘these to me k-pop’ but only as these to me'”.

Ella Li Lahav (Photo: Saar Naveh)Ella Li Lahav (Photo: Saar Naveh)

I also ask because I learned that in the production of the last Kay Pop Festival they really wanted you to participate in it. They contacted you but it did not happen. According to a person close to the production, you actually wanted to participate, but a representative on your behalf refused to let you participate if they announced that you were participating.

“I do not know what you are talking about. I know they wanted me to attend the Kay Pop Festival, and I wanted to attend it and it did not happen. I did not delve into why it did not happen.”

As someone who is interested in Korean culture even before the success of “The Squid Game” – what did you think of this hit series? Would you like to dub the spinning doll?

“I would not want to dub the doll. I would rather play in this series. I saw it before we were buzzing around it, because I see Korean things. When it was buzzing first of all I was excited, and I thought it was nice that they get love and sympathy in the way they deserve.”

What is the price and the difficulty of being young in the spotlight with all that entails – gossip, paparazzi, etc. Isn’t it scary and dangerous sometimes?

“It’s very dangerous. I think without the right people to be with you – it could have been very dangerous. It’s a very difficult, very bad world, after all no one really wants to be your friend, no one really loves you. Not everyone is that nice. “Everyone wants to interview you, to gossip, and not everyone is mentally ready for it and does not know how to deal with it. I got into very, very difficult situations during my career, and I want to thank my stunning psychologist who helps me and my managers.”

Last week, an article she wrote appeared in time Shani Littman, And titled “The Childhood of Alanis Morissette is reminiscent of that of Ella-Lee: both victims of the pop industry.” In the article, Ella described to me the words “the Torah mechanized puppet of the Israeli pop industry.” It was also written that Ella Lee is “at the age when Elnis Morissette was when her relationship with her producers began to creak, because it was no longer appropriate for her to be a Barbie”, and the headline added that “it is to be hoped that Ella-Lee has slightly more responsible parents. “There is an iron spine. Otherwise, no one will save it from the shredder of the music industry.”

I quote this critical article to Ella Lee, and she responds angrily: “No one tells me what to do. I’m not anyone’s doll. If people do not know me then they should know. I can not hear a person tell me what to do. It I’ve been fucked a lot in life. Once a person tells me what to do I’m going crazy. I have amazing parents who support me all the way, are there for me and love me. And I love them the most in the world. Yes, I do nonsense here and there, but they’s mine. “No one tells me what to do, no one tries to make me a doll. No one can make me a doll. I will not let that happen, it is impossible.”

The so-called “Mi-Tu of the proud community” recently appeared in the media. In this context, an investigation was published here 11 which claimed that Gal Ochowski used violence and committed indecent acts on other men, and testimonies were published in Yedioth Ahronoth by men who claimed that Tel Aviv City Council member Itai Pinkas-Arad had sex with them without contraception during Who were 17-year-old members of the Iggy youth movement more than a decade ago. What did you think of it?

“I think sexual harassment in general is a disgusting thing, which should be stopped and taken very seriously, whether it is harassment of the community or harassment that is not in the community. Every person who harasses and harms another person should be banned.”

The date of your enlistment in a military band was recently announced – February 16th. Are you afraid that military service will slow down or, God forbid, interrupt your career?

“True, it’s the date in the hope that nothing will change. I trust the managers so much that they know what they’re doing. I’m sure all this time they’ve been planning exactly what’s going to happen in my army. I’ll stay with them for many, many more years. They know exactly what to do. “I’m dying to enlist already. I’m very excited and also under pressure. It’s been two years of my life, it’s a lot of time.”

In the mythological film “Blues for the Great Freedom”, the character of Zwilich says: “Two things I did not manage to do before enlistment: to get a driver’s license and sleep with a girl.” What do you hope to do until the recruitment you have not done yet?

“I have a license. The truth is I’ve never had time to fly yet. But I’m going to do it before I enlist. The truth is I do not know where, I really want to fly to Korea but we’ll see what happens.”


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