PS Congress: Olivier Faure claims victory again

by time news

The PS could probably not do worse to choose its boss. And the crisis is still far from over. The first secretary of the outgoing Socialist Party Olivier Faure reaffirms Saturday in the JDD to have been re-elected during the vote of the militants, “an irresponsible exit” according to his opponent Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, while the committee for ascertaining the results was still in progress. “The result is crisp and clear. The time for votes is over”, proclaims Olivier Faure, who adds: “I am grateful to the Socialists for having confirmed me in the most beautiful of functions, that of leading and animating the party of social and ecological justice”.

A press release from the PS had proclaimed Friday morning the victory of the outgoing Olivier Faure, with 50.83% of the votes of the members, but the result was disputed by the mayor of Rouen, who invokes numerous incidents capable of distorting the result. The party has since been plunged into crisis, with each side claiming victory by castigating opposing cheating.

An “irresponsible exit”

A commission of verification was therefore convened, Saturday since 1:00 p.m., so that the two parties agree on the figures for the Congress of Marseilles, from January 27 to 29. It was still in progress at nearly 10 p.m. “No irregularity is tolerable, but some fabricate doubt and create suspicion to taint the result”, criticizes Olivier Faure.

Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol reacted on Twitter by castigating an “irresponsible exit”, “while our party offers a distressing spectacle, while the Commission of proofing is in full work”. “I call once again for appeasement, transparency, respect for democracy and activists,” he added.

For Olivier Faure, his rallying line of the left with Nupes, tied in May with LFI, EELV and the PCF, is in the majority: “Everyone must admit that a line has emerged and that it is therefore not question of leaving the gathering of the left and environmentalists. A curled up PS, a PS that only speaks to the PS, it’s a dead end”. He promises that “Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol will be associated with the strategic orientations, in particular for the European ones, since it is on this subject that he has from the start expressed his greatest concerns”.

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