With Stefano Bollani «El Chakracanta»: a new album as a pianist and composer

by time news

twelve o’clock, April 14, 2021 – 3:32 pm

Recorded live in Buenos Aires on different dates, the “Blue Concerto” and the “Green Concerto” (with some splashes of tango) signal the new ambitions of the most beloved jazz musician on TV

of Fabrizio Versienti

In Via dei Matti number zero, while welcoming guests who are not seen every day on television, one also thinks big. It is known that Stefano Bollani is an explosive concentrate of genius and clowning, but this time, while he is having fun on Rai3, he comes out in the shops with a “serious” record, indeed very serious. Under the title «The Chakracanta», His latest album sees him engaged as a pianist and composer of two long pieces, the “Blue concert” and the “Green concert”, inspired by as many chakras (respectively, of the word and of love) but in the classical form of the concert for piano and orchestra. Oh dear, the form is not really classic. Canonica is undoubtedly the structure in four movements, which in the most recent “Green concert(Orchestrated by Bollani himself) is divided into a first movement of exposure and development, a second that is almost an adagio, a third in the form of a joke and a fourth that pulls the strings, all in 25 minutes of music. But the sonic substance is very jazz, above all because the piano takes all the liberties it wants; and there is always a very Italian melodic vein, a shadow of tango creeping between plucked strings and flying on the keyboard. The disc is recorded live in Buenos Aires; not surprisingly, a piece by Horacio Salgan («Don Agustin Bardi») and one from Piazzolla (the very famous «Libertango»). Bollani is known to love deviations: Naples and Carosone, Frank Zappa, Brazil, now this. Impossible to force him to always do one thing. For example, the idea of ​​composing: after having made a solid apprenticeship as a classical soloist, Bollani is now setting foot in this other “sphere” as well. In its own way, of course. Give it time.

April 14, 2021 | 15:32

© Time.News

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