Creative workshop, open to contamination

by time news

a time under the vaults of this large space the white porcelains, the international pride of the territory, were decorated by hand. A few weeks ago at number 10 in via delle Robinie in Sesto Fiorentino right in front of the Buondelmonti villa where the Marquis Carlo Ginori in 1737 founded the historic Doccia factory found his «ManInArte» home.

This is the name that Simone Cardinali, Chiara Caminati and Stefano Lepri, respectively goldsmith, jewel designer and gem setter, have chosen from 2020 for their cultural association which today officially inaugurates by opening to the public. “A project that speaks of handmade, excellence, territory and craftsmanship – says Chiara Caminati – but also a place where we want to share with artists, artisans and anyone who wants to, the desire to get in touch with beauty”. To welcome those who enter there is a large panel above the name of the association and designed as if it were a thread, a hand that seems to take flight. «For some years – continues Caminati – my path has been intertwined with that of Simone and Stefano. We are all three driven by the desire to remain attached to our territory trying to bring out the qualities of know-how. We have desired this space and now we are opening it as a new landing place in a place full of charm like this one that has a history of hands behind it. We also want it to be a dynamic and always open door to young people who want to learn how to work in a real laboratory, in short, in a shop ».

In fact, Simone Cardinali has moved his laboratory here from Campo di Marte. It is here that he gives life to those works as a professional goldsmith that some of the most important jewelers in Florence commission from him. Stefano, in turn, an expert in gem-setting, has his atelier here, dividing himself with the Florentine laboratory, in the very central Via de ‘Bardi. «In addition to our ateliers, ManInArte hosts and promotes culture, it wants to be a place of encounter and contamination. The space is large and therefore we give the concrete possibility to artists, designers, artisans, to have a part always available to express themselves. Who wants to exhibit, who wants to present a book can do it here for free. And we also hope that other artisans want to be part of the team and become partners to work like us ». To inaugurate ManInArte’s program of collaborations, some works by Salvatore Cipolla, who died in 2006 in Sesto Fiorentino will be hosted: painter, sculptor and ceramist who, despite having been the protagonist of very important national and international exhibitions and events, at the same time has always remained rooted in heritage local art. «There are six of his beautiful works that will contaminate our space from today. In metal, wood and glass and one in ceramic, they represent a first path and we are already at work to propose painters and artists of the most diverse disciplines ». Finally, with a view to sharing knowledge between the bridging projects, there is that of the Scuola di Bottega. “A dream that we hope will soon become reality – they say – Even collaborating with universities and schools of design we would like to give young enthusiasts the opportunity to approach the art of handmade by practicing”.

November 24, 2021 | 10:22

© Time.News


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