Surgery for 10 month old golden retriever

by time news

Hello everyone, my name is Carlijn. My very dear friend/colleague and her fiancé bought a golden retriever puppy (with pedigree) last year, named Abbey. The pup’s parents have no hereditary conditions, which should have given her pup the best chance.

Unfortunately, around 8 months of age, they began to notice that Abbey was sitting in a lopsided position and her hip started making a cracking sound. They immediately went to the vet and had an X-ray taken. What we were afraid of has come true: both hips have severe hip dysplasia. They were amazed at how well Abbey could hide her pain.

Abbey has been referred to a specialist center in Utrecht. Two separate operations must be performed to operate on both hips separately. With the operations (3400 euros per hip), consultations, wound checks, after checks and medication, the costs will rise to 10,000 euros. Fortunately, they have insurance for their dog, but this reimburses a maximum of 3000 euros per year. These costs are simply unaffordable.

I see the sadness in my friend for the love for her dog and the fear that they will not be able to pay the costs. They even had to cancel their honeymoon this summer for this.

That’s why I hope deep down that there are people who want to help me and thus Abbey and her parents. Every small contribution is 1.

I am very grateful to you and to this little girl below

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